Who do you want to vape with?




Well-Known Member
I hung out with @Stu and @Buildozer and @nigel and @thesoloman once. @nigel said Vicks pads were nice, menthol in my eyes was not nice. @Buildozer introduced me to the doublecup (two Solos on @thesoloman's Sov stemline), and @Stu had me vape crushed pepper and coffee. :mental:
Technically it was my two solo's and christians stemline, he's the dude in the air videos. :D

He said that you guys need to come join us for FC ruinion shesh at his place!
I like the sound of that!


Well-Known Member
Does decaprio really have a bunch of custom ssv's? Never thought he would be the type of person to vape.
Let's see who would I want to vape.
Gotta start with Jim Carrey,one Of my favorite actors. Might as well add robin Williams.
Can't forget Stephen king,the guy who's been scaring me since I took my brothers copy of It when I was 10 or so.
Since I'm a huge movie buff I must vape with Martin Scorsese. Would love to pick his brain about all the great movies he has helped make/create.
Last but certainly not least all you guys here at FC!!
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