Which vaporizer? TM2 - Solo 3 - Tempest?


New Member

First to me :)
I've been smoking cannabis for 28 years... the first 10 years just bongs and the last 18 years joints with tobacco.
I have a high tolerance and consumed 2-3 grams a day.
I've been vaping for 4 weeks. and don't smoke cigarettes or tobacco.
First I got S&B Crafty+ which I was a bit happy with at the beginning.
Since I still have a high tolerance, it wasn't enough and a few days later I also got a Dynavap M7XL.
Of course BAM did that and was finally satisfied.
With Crafty alone there would have been a great risk of smoking joints with tobacco again... That's why I'm glad that I discovered Dynavap.

I also bought BB6 for bong and it gives me a very good high.
Since then, Crafty has been lying around and I haven't used it anymore.
The problem was that I was much more high with 0.1g in Dynavap than with 0.2g in a capsule in Dynavap.
I felt like I was wasting my weed in Crafty.
That's why I sold my Crafty and am looking for a replacement.

If the question arises, why am I even looking for a replacement if I am satisfied with Dynavap?
I want an additional one and don't want to be dependent on just one

My current focus is on:

1. Tinymight 2
2. Arizer Solo 3
3. Tempest Mad Heaters

It's clear to me that No.3 is something like Dynavap... and I'm currently favoring Solo 3 because I want something electric...
But now I'm concerned about efficiency... I would like to continue working with microdoses of 0.1 to 0.15-0.2g
And it's important to me which one gives you the most high because I have a high tolerance.

Currently Solo 3 is recommended very often, but not very many have it here in the forum... When I see the posts...
I've almost considered living with Dynavap, but I really want a second device... But a very good one... So that I'm not just stuck with Dynavap again :)


My cannabis story is kinda similar at some points and I also stopped smoking one month ago. I’m lucky to own all of the devices you asked for, as I’m vaping for almost 3 years now. My recommendation for you is the Solo 3, as it has this conduction part. This adds the heavy stoney body high that’s known from smoking and what you’re missing using the Crafty.

The other two devices are great, but more convection leaning and therefore more heady. I’d say TM2 is most pure convection, S3 delivers the most conduction leaning experience and Tempest is in between.

While I really like all of this devices, for me the S3 is the only one being capable to end a session. The two others make me grab for more.
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Well-Known Member
I own a Solo 3 TM2 and while I do not own a tempest I own a TA3 and is sort of similar.

This is so hard for me to say as you say "And it's important to me which one gives you the most high because I have a high tolerance." and this would be the TM2 as you can clear a 0.1-0.2g bowl in 1 big hit.

The solo3 is the device I use daily even knowing that the TM2 seems to melt my face more as the solo3 just tastes better and you can do big massive rips with the solo3 but the TM2 wins when it comes to clearing a bowl with 1 hit.

You say you have a Crafty right? ok so I have a Mighty+ and you say "I felt like I was wasting my weed in Crafty." well this is the exact same thing with me with the Mighty+ it just feels like much less a high than with the Solo3 or TM2 this is why I never use the Mighty+ anymore.

So to conclude even though I personally use and prefer the solo3 to the TM2 for yourself i would go for the TM2 and am sure other members will come in and agree here and some might not.


So to conclude even though I personally use and prefer the solo3 to the TM2 for yourself i would go for the TM2 and am sure other members will come in and agree here and some might not.
Here I am, disagreeing 🙋‍♂️😄 Yes, the TM2 can do these one hit extractions and they do smack hard. It’s just missing that level of body high aka satisfaction that some folks need, including me. I’ve been trying 2+ years to get lucky with the TM2, which never really worked out. Even though it made me high af, there was something missing. The S3 however I loved instantly.

I’d say the TM2 makes me MORE high, but the S3’s high is HEAVIER. But in terms of satisfactory level for a long time smoker, I’d describe the S3 to give the MOST high, knowing this may be technically wrong. Hope that makes sense somehow 😄

Edit: Just had a nug at 220C with the S3. Fuck, I love this thing 🥴 Call it what you want, but this is the kind of high that satisfies formerly joint chain-smoking me for some time. With the TM2 I’d be packing bowls all night.
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New Member
First of all, thank you very much for answers.

I saw earlier that I worded something wrong:

"The problem was that I was much more high with 0.1g in Dynavap than with 0.2g in a capsule in Dynavap."

It should say here that I am less high with Crafty with 0.2g. Because I wrote Dynavap again at the end of the text.. it should say Crafty.
For crafty...
At the beginning I was still satisfied, even if I had to fight with myself because of my high tolerance.
I initially vaped it at 180 degrees and it tasted good.. but the high wasn't that high.
I need high temperatures of around 200 degrees to get a good high.
When I took Crafty a few days ago, I set it to 200 degrees.
It didn't taste good anymore and still the high wasn't so good... and it was very scratchy... At that moment I decided to sell the Crafty.
1 gram is enough for me in the evening with Dynavap... With Crafty I needed twice as much.

I think I'll order Solo 3


Well-Known Member
First of all, thank you very much for answers.

I saw earlier that I worded something wrong:

"The problem was that I was much more high with 0.1g in Dynavap than with 0.2g in a capsule in Dynavap."

It should say here that I am less high with Crafty with 0.2g. Because I wrote Dynavap again at the end of the text.. it should say Crafty.
For crafty...
At the beginning I was still satisfied, even if I had to fight with myself because of my high tolerance.
I initially vaped it at 180 degrees and it tasted good.. but the high wasn't that high.
I need high temperatures of around 200 degrees to get a good high.
When I took Crafty a few days ago, I set it to 200 degrees.
It didn't taste good anymore and still the high wasn't so good... and it was very scratchy... At that moment I decided to sell the Crafty.
1 gram is enough for me in the evening with Dynavap... With Crafty I needed twice as much.

I think I'll order Solo 3

I knew what you meant as is exact same for me, I get more high with 0.1g in my dynavape stem + vaphit cap than I do with 0.2g from my Mighty+

and a Mighty+ is pretty much a Crafty.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Personally I like tinymight best of all, for anything readily available now, but I would also highly recommend firewood9 for a more artisan and hybrid conduction experience with similar benefits... I love on demand :2c:

However it sounds like you will enjoy the Solo3, coming from DV and Crafty, if you like that style, of course much more automatic digital, less manual, more session, not truest on demand capable yet still versatile, fully hybrid though that is more like DV and S&B (TM would be more different for you comparatively) S3 does have a lot of fans here if you check the thread, it really is a top tier mainstream option today... :nod::tup:

Don't forget about the thermal accumulator along with the tempest, it's possible you might enjoy anvil or the other similar style options if you like DV... Welcome to FC!
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