I vape lotus all the time. The names get confusing since none of them are techniquely lotuses, but actually lillies.
Blue Lilly (a.k.a. Nymphaea Caerulea) is euphoric, aphrodisiac, slightly stimulating, great for parties, depression, watching movies, etc.
Pink Lotus/Sacred Lotus/Blue Lotus (a.k.a. Nucifera Nelumbo) is deeply relaxing both physically and mentally. Leans more towards a calm, introspective state. Great for pain, anxiety, aggitation, insomnia.
White Lotus (a.k.a. Nymphaea Alba) is very similar to Pink Lotus. I can only describe the feeling as deeply serene, almost spiritual. It's excellent for irritating pain like toothaches or sunburns. Also perfect for meditation or moments of quiet reflection.
Lotus can purchased as leaf or stamens (the pollen-producing part of the plant).
Both are quite strong when vaped, but the stamens are more potent by weight.
Both leaves and stamens should arrive totally dried out. Simply run through a coffee grinder until powdered. Takes about 5 minutes to grind an ounce.
Personally I like to mix my lotuses. A little White, Pink, and Blue Lilly all together makes for an amazingly smooth and blissful high. I use a Vapor Genie and this stuff is so strong, I never pack the whole bowl.
Lotus is synergistic with cannabis. It's great mixed into a joint or blended with ground bud in a bowl and vaped.
You can add a little Pink or White Lotus to mellow out a Sativa or add a little Blue Lilly for extra giggles and social lubrication.
For maximum Lotus effect, try taking some Lotus tincture, pills, or tea. Wait for it to kick in, then vape some to get a full mind and body high. I recommend Blue Lilly or a Lotus blend for a first try since Pink or White Lotus can get pretty sleepy by themselves.
Oh, and don't drive after vaping this stuff. It can get pretty trippy and it usually lasts for a few hours. So best saved for home use or with a sober ride.