which log vape should i get?

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I want either a PD or MZ. Please help me decide. I have a LB but when I'm home I want to give the.batteries a break. Which log hits the best, has good quality, better customer service, and more bang for the.buck?

Modnote: Unfortunately this is a touchy subject around here and we don't need any more drama right now. There's no better way to answer your question than by reading each of the related model threads and deciding for yourself.



Well-Known Member
If you can get the PD, then get it!! its really the best in that department!


How long are you willing to wait?
How much are you willing to spend?

The MyrtleZap is currently on a winter solstice sale, whatever good that does you.

As for customer service, I believe they both have good customer service based on what I have read here, but I have no personal experiences to speak of. As for quality, they are both made of quality components, just different kinds. There is a huge thread with plenty of info in it with this issue beat to death already so I'm sure many will just direct you there.


Well-Known Member
I took the plunge and went with a WDZ.

didn't want to wait and luckily got a last second halloween special, that was my dealmaker.

Should be here any day now, I plan to post a few pics and do a small review once I have it.

I know someone who has a zap and I gave it a try and liked it, i see that the logs all pretty much operate the same, I will assume my WDZ will be similar experience. I wanted a PD but I just want my stuff quick. I was willing to wait, but I couldn't pass up that opportunity. I definatly see myself ordering a PD in the future. But I'm anxious for this walnut wdz.
i agree, i already have myrtle zap & like the WDZ pilsner shape, if it cost around the same, i would like to try that one nex i guess')


The Myrtle wood that Rick offers tends to look better than the Myrtle wood that Tom offers. The stems that come packaged with the MZ are of much higher quality than the ones used on the PD's. There are screens on the MZ's heating unit whereas there is none on the PD. This means that you can very lightly pack your stems with no worry that the plant material will fall outside of the stem. The PD units have much more "girth" to the bodies, making them seem more bulky than the MZ. I have found that MZ's are more comfortable to hold than PD's.

In my eyes, the PD is extremely cheap (in quality) compared to the MZ. I have seen both of my cousin's PD's and they have not impressed me.

You can definitely tell that Rick puts a lot of time and effort in finding good quality wood. He pays exceptional attention to detail in the finished product.


A Legend in my Own Mind
This thread is a time bomb waiting to go off LOL! All the log vapes all have pluses and minuses. I do like the MZ tootsie all glass stems with removable bowl design and I like the WDZ pilsner shape as well. In general though I am not a log vape fan.
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