Thanks again folks, and you've convinced me: My next portable will be a Mighty.
In a year or two perhaps; the Solo, Hammer, and VG are all more than good enough for portable units to take outside the house for now.
I'm now looking at plug-in units and while log vapes are popular for good reason I am, to be blunt, looking for something that will fuck me right up. It seems logs are largely enjoyed on here for sipping flavour in addition to their small bowls, neither of which is a concern for me.
With that criteria, do logs such as the E-Nano or Underdog really hold up to units like the LSV or Herbalaire? I'm only really interested in direct draw as I dislike bags, though admittedly I've only ever used one whip vape and it was some cheap wood box thing. Being used with water tools is a bonus, but I rarely use water so it's no big deal. One of the reasons I like the Solo as much as I do is that it requires no stirring as well, having to stir is annoying.
On another forum where users are less hobbyist than FC the Extreme Q is quite popular, but apparently it has a shitty whip? Elbow packing, both here and there, sounds a lot like what I'm looking for though...
As others have already mentioned, logs can pack quite a wallop! Should be no problems with getting thick clouds from any of the current 3 popular ones (nano, UD & HI). I use my nano daily and it can do lighter tastier hits, or massive clouds easily. Slight learning curve to it, but nothing an experienced vaper couldn't easily figure out in a couple loads. Worth mentioning you may need to get a variable voltage power supply to pull big clouds from the 2 DC ones (UD & HI). nano is native AC with dial heat adjustment right on cord, and will easily combust at max temp, so just a matter of finding where you want to be below that.
Where I think you may find logs fall short is in the normally small capacity for a load. I love this because it is gentler on my stash, is pretty much spent when flavor is and I like playing with my stuff while I vape, but could see where others wouldn't. The DBV/SSV/LSV may be a better desktop option if you're looking to load it up and get more than a couple monster rips before dumping and reloading. After dealing with tubing on my EQ and enjoying using a bubbler as much as I do, I'd personally prefer the LSV of the three.
Same with me as with
@mitchgo61 .... I had used my EQ for a couple years, but has been pretty much mothballed since getting my nano 2+ years ago. And, the tubing is a pain in the ass - some in use, mainly because of quick crud buildup. IME nano is a much better experience on many fronts - better flavor, less material usage, easier to clean and maintain, smaller form factor and does light or heavy vapor easily just to name a few. The only thing the EQ wins on is bags, and if you're like most (me included) the novelty wears off very quickly. Also FWIW, I can produce clouds easier with the nano - especially considering it doesn't require nearly as much futzing around with things to get them.
I don't know where to start with this post .. some fairly zenophobic comments here even if your 'heritage is half german' Some of those statements are quite insulting, i would maybe save them for when you're not on a public forum?
With regards to issues with the mighty, some plastic fins broke (purely aesthetic) and some issues with heater programming. Mine is an early model from nov and has no issues. These 'problems' have been solved ... no questions.
I see you have some issues with s&b but the reality is they put out the high quality products with very minimal problems. Look at other premium portables ... firefly (serious battery issues) pax (where do i start?) The mighty is expensive but it is the best performing portable and you gonna pay for that privilege. Also you paying for reputation .. i know snb are gonna be around in 10 years .. not necessarily the case with new vapes from other companies.
I think you need to actually try one before you keep passing judgement as to the moral values of storz and bickel.
Also your statement regarding desktop for home and portable to top up. Essentially you get 2 vapes for your money ... the mighty is powerful enough and has big enough battery to satisfy both roles.
Although we do ageee on one thing ... the vapman is great.
Zenophobic? Not at all! Prejudiced about throwing around German engineering as the absolute best? Hell yeah, and probably from a standpoint most people won't have the opportunity to see as well. Insulting? Maybe some, but mostly usually true. If a company uses it's nationality to push its "engineering know how" for a product that has no relation to what the engineering reputation is based on (like cars to vapes) that is pretty shady. S&B has been doing this for years. Same could be said for VapMan with Swiss engineering, but if you have one it's not hard to see how the vape is probably a little closer related to the simple but efficient engineering Switzerland is know for. Not really seeing that in the comparison of a Mighty to a Benz.
What I was saying is that if the product was so incredibly engineered, why did they have common issues right out of the gate? Issues with broken fins I can see, but I'd say heater programming in a vape is a pretty important component. Certainly something that should be engineered properly before release.
I wasn't comparing S&B's to other portables in my post. From what I have read and seen they are probably the best out there. But, just as I don't drive the Mercedes AMG I mentioned with a $2,500 a month car payment, I don't see the need to drop that kind of cash for a portable - no matter how great it is. For me, having two vapes - a portable and a desktop - and enough change in my pocket for some nugs is where I'd rather be.
Try one I may, but not buying one with the price of admission. And, don't doubt that I would enjoy it. But, don't think that would change my impressions of a company that squeezes every dime they can from their consumers. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'd have to check to be certain, but I doubt any other vaporizor company is enjoying the same profit margins per unit as S&B.
.... Prices getting lowered isn't all that uncommon...there's always a steeper cost, in dollars and aggravation, to being an early adopter. (I need a bumper sticker: ASK ME ABOUT MY FIRST SIX FIREFLYS.

) Plus, as someone on the
other side of this trade, I'm pretty happy. I got a 335 price match on the Mighty, and when I asked about having received the not-most-current version, I got another 40 bucks off. 295 for a 2015 Mighty. Let the early adopters bitch...I'm pretty fucking happy.
Wholeheartedly agree with most of your post, but not this last part. Early adapters on vapes usually see a significant DISCOUNT for stepping up first. Was the case with my nano, and have seen it happen with others. Glad your deal for your mighty worked out, but I'd be pretty pissed if I paid $400 or more for mine getting it when first released (seem to recall it was actually closer to $500 USD, but I could be wrong), and knew you got yours for $295 not too long after. That's just shitty business, and the type of it I would expect from S&B. Volcanoes still cost what? Yeah... exactly! And, they sell them all the time based on reputation that is mostly built up from a time when they were the only real commercial game going. Despicable IMO! Still probably the best bag blower going, but here in FC most of us know just how silly that is in the grand scheme of things.