Where are the Game of Throne fans?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
did she start out with them not riding dragons, then add content later that had them doing so? cuz that's what i was referring to. are those McCaffrey books any good?

She wrote about dragons before she wrote about dragonriders, that's true. If I recall correctly, however, those early dragons weren't the dragons of Pern. Pern dragons were genetically engineered, which is why she was always adamant that she was writing science fiction not fantasy.

They are definitely good books. Whether you would like them I cannot tell, of course.


Well-Known Member
any Robin Hobb fans here?

Lots of cool dragons in her books.

Oh I am only up to ep1 season2 in GoT so far.

But, go team Khalessi

bit of a fan of Rob Starc as well. Pak has corrected me below & has thus ruined my entire viewing experience.

I love characters that can adapt, evolve & overcome. I admire anyone who can rise to the occasion in the face of adversity.
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Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Robb Stark is an idiot. He just married that nursie instead of the daughter of the creepy Frey guy who let them cross his bridge. Of course that's not likely to cause any trouble.


Well-Known Member
sigh, good on ya . i havent got that far yet.:clap:

Next you'll be telling me the blowjob fairy doesnt exist.
wanna come round & talk to my kids about Santa?

I retract my previous statement, apparantly Rob Stark is an idiot.
Someone run a blade thru the cork soaker.

cheers Pak :wave:

here is 2765 naughty boy points for you. :D


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
sigh, good on ya . i havent got that far yet.:clap:

Next you'll be telling me the blowjob fairy doesnt exist.
wanna come round & talk to my kids about Santa?

I retract my previous statement, apparantly Rob Stark is an idiot.
Someone run a blade thru the cork soaker.

cheers Pak :wave:

here is 2765 naughty boy points for you. :D


Is that enough for a plane ticket to Maui?


Well-Known Member
I think I'm mostly rooting for the starks, but also for the dragons, and a bit for that mysterious king north of the wall, but I just don't know enough of him yet to really root for him


Well-Known Member
I think that north wall guy(sorry been a while and I can't remember his name) is going to turn out to be "someone" not sure who....maybe the "dead" uncle...


Well-Known Member
I made sure to get all my chores and homework done early today so I can just sit back and chill tonight and "watch my shows." I even made two dinners last night so I've got one all ready to go tonight! :lol:

Now... I just have to wait! :bang:


Well-Known Member
"You are an ill-made, spiteful little creature full of envy, lust, and low cunning. Men's laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colors since I cannot prove that you are NOT mine..."

These are the thoughts I imagine my own father to be thinking when he sees me...

Poor Tyrion.


We're here to fuck shit up.
The season opener was really good. Actually, it exceeded my expectations. I am a fan of Barristan Selmy, it is awesome to see him wanting to protect Daenerys. This season ahould be fantastic.


Someones always watching..
That moment when Cersei tells Jeoffrey that she is her fathers son! Brilliant everything is so subtle.John Snow convincing the King beyond the wall to take him in .and what about the Poor onion knight.Loyalty will get you killed..There are so many story lines to follow an hour is never enough!


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I found this episode to be kind of dull. I did feel the sting when the little guys dad said all those horrible things to him though...I can't wait to see what he does now.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I was pissed off before the opening credits were finished because they didn't list Maisie Williams, so no Arya update this week. My prediction before I turned it on was, "At least five new characters and no real plot advances." Pretty close.

I was happy to see Bronn's story line isn't done yet. I like that guy, and he and Tyrion make an entertaining pair.


Someones always watching..
this season is only half of book3..and the show was renewed for another season.littlefinger does mention arya to sansa. I expect big things for her and Jamie next week..let's be patient. there's allot of storylines that are crammed into an hr
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