In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Anyone know whether Trump owns any dogs and if so, when they ate last?
It was great, except it seems really unlikely to me that dragons could fly across the open sea. They would have to be able to rest, drink fresh water etc. I know it was necessary to advance the plot, just sayin'![]()
I feel the same way. I watched it again today. I noticed way more stuff the second time around.I don't know if it was the buzz I had during the first showing but watching it a second time later that night I picked up on a few nuances I missed the first time. I'd mention them but I don't want to be a spoiler. Lets just say I had more time to note the look on people's faces that I didn't notice before....especially when someone met the eyes of someone else in silence but communicated the unspoken feeling.