When fc members get together


Backwoods Rated
he'll yeah wood villain I am 30 or Lil more from gainesville..

Awesome stuff!! I figured you were prolly close in range from your avatar :D

I will technically have an Archer 911 address, but im really a bit south of archer. Middle of Archer and Bronson. In the sticks, down a long dirt road. I grew up on the same dirt road. Havent been there in YEARS though. Probably have to hit up gainesville to try and find a new connect.
Hahaha that's great!

As far as the FL meet up, what a great excuse to visit my family in FL.

Hell with all them logs you got you could prolly build a raft and just cross the gulf :lol:


Log Hog
Awesome stuff!! I figured you were prolly close in range from your avatar :D

I will technically have an Archer 911 address, but im really a bit south of archer. Middle of Archer and Bronson. In the sticks, down a long dirt road. I grew up on the same dirt road. Havent been there in YEARS though. Probably have to hit up gainesville to try and find a new connect.

Hell with all them logs you got you could prolly build a raft and just cross the gulf :lol:

I'll take'em all just incase lol.

But man that sounds like paradise, minus that scorching fuckin heat down there. I'm a northerner born and raised, I would die without these fall and winters from up here.

Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
Anyone who says shit like this is alright in my book...
(Quote) from:@WoodVillain
But I dont want to argue.. I got 2 small kids and a wife on the rag if i wanted to argue id wake them up LOL
LMFAO :lmao:

I'd love to meet up again we are going to need a better location (hotel) not gonna cut once we get a couple Errlectric's fired up and the Evo & a couple logs.


Log Hog
Anyone who says shit like this is alright in my book...
(Quote) from:@WoodVillain
But I dont want to argue.. I got 2 small kids and a wife on the rag if i wanted to argue id wake them up LOL
LMFAO :lmao:

I'd love to meet up again we are going to need a better location (hotel) not gonna cut once we get a couple Errlectric's fired up and the Evo & a couple logs.

What thread did my boy post that in?!?!? That's great!


Backwoods Rated
Yea... That thread... :bang:

But i promise im a nice and friendly person in real life :D

Ill be setting up a work shop / man cave in the next few months on my property, at that point id have a place away from my kids and everything where we could hang out and play with some vapes if anyone was interested. Modest country living... But we wouldnt have to worry about.. Well anything really.

Get vaped, shoots some bows, build a big ol fire, drink a few beers.... Good living. :tup:


Log Hog
Yea... That thread... :bang:

But i promise im a nice and friendly person in real life :D

Ill be setting up a work shop / man cave in the next few months on my property, at that point id have a place away from my kids and everything where we could hang out and play with some vapes if anyone was interested. Modest country living... But we wouldnt have to worry about.. Well anything really.

Get vaped, shoots some bows, build a big ol fire, drink a few beers.... Good living. :tup:

Yea I hightailed it quick or the asshole would have come out hard! I respect their beliefs, no matter how insane they are to me and I respect this place to much too. I couldn't even read it lol sorry I missed that post tho, as melting pot said that truly was a gem :clap::lmao:

Sounds like one hell of a time brother! Do u have a some cots too?


Backwoods Rated
Yea I hightailed it quick or the asshole would have come out hard! I respect their beliefs, no matter how insane they are to me and I respect this place to much too. I couldn't even read it lol sorry I missed that post tho, as melting pot said that truly was a gem :clap::lmao:

Sounds like one hell of a time brother! Do u have a some cots too?

We can get some cots out there! :nod: Im a hammock fan myself, i prefer a hammock over a bed LOL but cots would be no problem!!

That might be the tipper. At one point I was getting paranoid with all the clouds we had going.

Yea that would be fine in the woods :tup:

Nothing fancy, just a doublewide in the country... But we could walk around the yard with 5 vapes in our hands each blowing smoke rings if we really wanted without worrying about anyone saying anything. I try and keep it out of sight from my children, thats why i said after i get the man cave setup... But there would be no issues with clouds there.. The more clouds the better LOL

Ill let you know once im setup, id really have no issues hosting a get-together if you guys wanted. Even if not im still interested in this secret society :brow:


Backwoods Rated
Where you located melting pot? Duval as well?

By that post alone i know its the south :D

We got some sand pits not far from the house, grew up taking quads there. Even more fun when they fill up with water after a good rain!! Lots of dirt roads to play on down there. We just had a couple stock polaris.. sportsmans i think they were. Still fun though.


H.A.L. got screwed!
How did I not see this? @DieHard should've let me know, lol. So DH and soflo are down south (east and west coast respectively), and sub's in duvalley....I'm in central florida...we can work this out...I go to south florida every so often (although I can never seem to meet up with DH..will happen sometime).

@stickstones what hotel were you at...I usually stay at the Holiday Inn Express on Davie Rd and 595...once at HardRock...couple times at Lago Mar, and a couple times at the Holiday Inn on Sheridan St and I-95 in Hollywood.


Well-Known Member
We were at hotel in duval..that's rich blood staying at the hard rock..almost stayed at the one in tampa..couldn't sleep knowing I spent that much..lol..but yeah I'm digging the FL contingent..we run a lot deeper than I could imagined on here..probably the strictest anti mj state in the u.s. and we are deep on here..imagine if we had those lovely laws here..


Log Hog
We were at hotel in duval..that's rich blood staying at the hard rock..almost stayed at the one in tampa..couldn't sleep knowing I spent that much..lol..but yeah I'm digging the FL contingent..we run a lot deeper than I could imagined on here..probably the strictest anti mj state in the u.s. and we are deep on here..imagine if we had those lovely laws here..

I was thinking that to myself earlier, 'isn't fl one of the most mj unfriendly states?!?!' Lol

I was also debating my transport if I came down. I'm guessing driving is the 'safest' while I have my goodies with me.


H.A.L. got screwed!
Nick, from the NE I'd say driving yes. And sub's, I only stayed at the Hard Rock once lol.
Our laws are ridiculous and I know why they are the way they are...the old peeps...I live where most of them are :( and I might be mistaken for one since I grayed way early. I grew up in south florida, then 22 years in SoCal (oh I miss the herb there)...it is so different in central florida than SoCal and SoFlo...but I have met some here who are like me and share my views.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
That might be the tipper. At one point I was getting paranoid with all the clouds we had going.

LOL!!!!!!!!!! I took one look at the table full of f'n everything, the cloud forming over my head and said 'I'm not paranoid yet but I know I will be soon and I'm gonna be hungry too' and true to form about 15 minutes in I was getting a case of vapor induced noids along with a nuclear case of the munchies.

Another first for me from that night was that my cloths smelled like vape when I got home. Since vape smell is not something I ever experienced before even when I vape...... I now have a reference point BUT if it takes upwards of 4 people hitting on upwards of 20 vapes in an enclosed room.... I doubt its something I'll run into often :cry:....I reeked for sure but at least it wasn't combustable reekness.

Good times....nope....GREAT TIMES!:tup:

Melting Pot

Sick & Twisted
This meet up is really starting to sound awesome...
I can see a couple vape induced coma's...
@WoodVillain might want to reconsider inviting us all. Lol @His_Highness this will definitely be that other level I was talking about... @stickstones And I hope @mvapes @DieHard @NickDlow @subway13029 pretty sure @CrazyDiamond and @Vicki & hubby This shit is gonna be Epic... 4 Errlectric's & VB-2 and everything else Holly shit it's like the perfect storm...

I can not fucking wait!!!!
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