Whats the best Vape for me.

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Well-Known Member
Hello all :D

Been smoking for about 15 years now, used a volcano at a couple friends and while in Amsterdam (loved them) but other than that I dont have much experience with vaporizers. Currently I'm smoking every day out of a couple bongs/bubblers, dont touch pipes or blunts any more, rarely a joint. Only smoke chronic, get all sort of variety here in northern cali.

After reading through the forums here and checking out videos I'm leaning towards getting on the PD waiting list. (sucks to wait but life is a marathon)

Me and my girlfriend usually smoke together after work, so the primary use would be 1-2 people. I'm spending a few hundred a month on herb too so the high efficacy of the PD looks very appealing. The safety of the product seems there, I'm making this purchase mainly for health concerns so smoking lead would defeat the purpose.

My main concern is that with no adjustments it might not be a good first primary vape. Me and my girlfriend like to get pretty baked on the weekends, would we have a hard time adjusting from bongs/bubs to a PD? Should I be looking at something else? I did like those volcanoes...

So short list of what I'm looking for,

Good for 1-2 people
Strong enough high

Thanks for the info all!:peace:


Weapon Enthusiast
Check out the Vriptech VHW, the Herborizer, and the Verdamper, these are vapes made for bongs.. the vhw bowl can come in either 14mm or 18mm gong, you can get the herborizer in 14 and 18 directly from the maker i beleive. Not sure whats up with the verdamper.

Out of the vapes i own my pd gets used 98% of the time though, i love my other vapes.. but i couldnt live without my pd.


Well-Known Member
it seems that Vaporists on here have a good selection and kind of collect them like people collect bongs. Not to mention, they might have them for different situations too. I am waiting for a Myrtlezap but also plan on a VaporGenie (Mostly to vape the ABV for sleepy time) if i had it to do again, I think I would have read a week more before jumping on the China Vapo-lead I have and spent that 50 bucks on a Vaporgenie instead. live and learn though


Vaked Chemist
I endorse the E as a first choice because it is so versatile and does all modes (bag/manual whip/fan assist whip) well. You can select the method that you like best.

It also has an accurate, adjustable temperature control with auto shutoff option, and works well with a bong.

It is a well designed and engineered unit, and the company customer service is top notch, too.


Well-Known Member
I second Survivalism in the Vriptech VHW, the Herborizer, and the Verdamper for wands, may work great with your existing glass.

I will add in the SSV and Da Buddha Vaporizer by seventh floor if you have not yet consider them, they can also work with your glass but you may need an adapter depending on your glass size.

Those vapes can all get you where you want to be when you want power hits/draws and are all quality products.


Well-Known Member
My gf and I only use/share a PD and we get plenty baked. You can use it with some glass pieces too as we use a 250ml EHLE bong and it works great.

I also would recommend DBV or SSV. DBV was the first vape I got and I loved it. It doesn't quite have the efficiency as the PD but that isn't really what it is designed to do. You can get very ripped from the DBV.

I don't have any firsthand experience with the VHW or Extreme but everyone seems to love those vapes so check them out as well.


Well-Known Member
Nice quick reply's!

The Vriptech heat wand looks great for a transitioning bong user :o
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