tube problem with the whip style vaporizer
hello all , and thankyou for not removing my last topic mods
anyways im having a very bad tubing problem , im not sure what the tubing i am using now is called but people know it as " needle tubes" the brown ones that the doctors tie on your arm to well ... give you a needle, and im having a problem with the tubing sticking together because of the resin ( vapor condensation i should say ) but i do not like the silicone tubing because when in-experienced people hit your vaporizer with the silicone tubing they always manage to pull the whip straight off of the element and loose all the stuff in the bowl ( because it is not flexible silicone tubing is stiffer than a rusted bolt ) ive even had someone using the silicone tubing pull the hose to hard to take a draw and since the tubing is not flexible CRACK there goes my whip , anyways it seems there is no in between ( and i have purchased EVERY kind of tubing that would fit on my whip they have at the hardware store ) Its either i have to deal with the stiffness of the tube and breaking wands or the residue making an air tight seal , to be honest i dont know witch one i would rather have they both are a pain in the arse
BTW the needle tube works great FOR THE FIRST FEW TIMES after that it wont cooperate can someone please reccomend a kind of tubing that is flexible but doesnt stick together when it gets residue on it at the same time ( and by flexible i mean almost as flexible as that needle tubing ) but yeah , can someone reccomend a tubing to me ?
and just a note im almost on my 4th day of my tolerance break , the first 2 days i had this weird anxious feeling that i could not get rid of and i know its because im not smoking/vaping does anyone else get non stop butterflies/rollercoasters when they go without smoking/vaping ???
sorry for telling a life story but i aint got much else to do since i aint vapin
and thankyou to everybody who participates in my topics