Thanks for the feedback
@Cacahuates, very useful indeed!
So I finally got my hands on the beast (sipping on my 4th bowl with it as I write this) and... Wow am I in love? Totally answers the needs I had mentioned:
- I really, really like the way it loads, with its grinder and 4 ceramic bowls. Sure it's not perfect science and requires some fiddling as there's weed going out of the bowls also. But once I've spent that time, I have 4 bowls to go, which on a normal working day lasts me through the day. Add 4 bowls for the evening and there goes my daily consomption on a good day, having to bother with grinding and preparation only 2 times 5 minutes in that day.
- Once the bowls are loaded, can't get any easier: gently pull the stem out, place the bowl in it, press the button and inhale. I mean seriously? Love it, I can do that while typing an email without losing my concentration.
- The vape on this is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Not just talking about the taste here but how easy it is to smoke without coughing. I was really worried about this as my volcano tends to make me cough a lot, and the seller from the online shop I bought the Bowle from was saying "there is no cooler vape than the one coming from the Volcano balloons". I got news for him: so far only coughed once with the Bowle, that was actually my first drag on it, as I got surprised by how much you can suck on this straw in one go. I feel 0 irritation -no exaggeration, as if I were vaping thin air- with the Bowle. And I have the short stem version, so there really seems to be little to no difference between this one and the longer stem one.
- I love the ease of use that comes from the 4 levels of heat. For my needs, and at my novice vaping level, it's enough and makes it again super easy to use. It's mindless: if I want a long vape with my bowl I start from 1 all the way up to 4 with medium (6 secondes) puffs. If I want to get punched in the face I start directly from 3 with longer puffs.
- Weed economy: I use the equivalent of what I put in one joint and a half to fill the 4 ceramic bowls. I don't fill them completely, up to 2/3rd, and not too concentrated in order to keep the air flow. 4 ceramic bowls take me through the day, where I'd normally use 4 joints instead. I should about half my weed consumption with this if I manage to fully quit combustion now
- Weed economy: crazy how much I can take out of those non filled bowls. At least two medium puffs per temperature setting, so 8 puffs. At setting 3 and 4 I can get 3 puffs each, even though the 3rd doesn't taste a lot. So close to 10 puffs, with one third of a joint, not bad!
- It can provide a mellow mood if milked slowly from temperature level 1, or hit like a train if used with longer puffs with levels 3 and 4 straight.
- Contrary to what I have read everywhere, it is pretty portable. A. without the glass it's like a large pipe that's super easy to hold and carry around the house. its pipe shape actually makes for a firm and secure grip. B. It could be relatively portable for outside use if there were a cap for the heat chamber when the stem is taken off. Without the stem the puck basically has the size of a computer mouse that could easily fit a jacket pocket or bag. But because the heating chamber is so fragile, carrying the puck around without the stem in would be risky. Hey Tafée, if you read me, how about you rip me off 10 USD for a plastic cover for that chamber? I'd gladly pay then curse you for being greedy!
What I don't like:
- Like everyone, I would have loved a better battery life, or swappable batteries. This being said I'm mostly using it at home so for 90% of my use it's ok. Also I wonder if they could've kept the puck that small with a larger battery, and I wouldn't want it any bigger. So I guess the way to go for the Bowle V2 should be same size battery, but easily swappable.
- The position of the charging cable: drives me crazy how I don't like the way it sticks in my nose when I'm vaping and it's on charge, and how at the same time I'm not sure if there would be a more convenient/less inconvenient place to have it. I'm going psycho I think

- The fact that there is no protective cover available to protect the heat chamber when the stem is off for easy and safe transportation
- The AC plug of the charger comes in a UK format. Really Bowle, why?
- 79 USD for the metal grinder??? Ok ok, it includes 4 additional bowls but.... 79????

So far that's about it really!
Cherry on the cake, about the glass:
- 90% of the time, meaning when I'm home, I don't give a fck at all as I don't use it, it stays in my cupboard
- But now that I see it in real, I can definitely see its use. I'm finally going to be able to go out clubbing/having drinks and consume my weed on the spot without having to go to my car and hide. Table on the terrace, bottle of water next to my drink, Bowle on the table and bam, hit me in the head.
Oh, did I mention I like my Bowle?
To conclude: super happy with my purchase, going to enjoy this one a lot and use the Volcano only on week-ends with friends. Still looking forward to getting the TM next month though, my interest only grew stronger.