Acolyte of Zinglon said:
Is that true G-13 is 'genetically modified' or some government weed?
that is most likely a myth, my friends who have had it say it seems a lot like a cross of chemdawg and something else, if i recall correctly
Well, I dunno... I would say that there is more myth and legend to G-13 than there is substance. Who really knows though

The way I understand it AofZ is that it IS something mythical...whether it's ever been real or not...but stories have been circulating since basically the late 70's, if I'm not mistaken? That would certainly be before strains like "Chemdawg"...supposedly it's something to do with a crazy strain of Government weed...I do remember that much. Anyway, my point is it's all kind of silly...the genetics game is a CRAZY one where there is lots, and lots, and lots of money to be made (or lost), so it's pretty convoluted.
G-13 IS the stuff of legends, and the stuff CapnVape has looks pretty freaking legendary...but that doesn't mean it's the "real deal". There's no guarantee there ever WAS a real deal...and with genetics, like I said, it's kind of a crazy game. There's certainly not the same sort of standards for breed purity as say with grain farmers in the USA and Canada, or even with registered Dog Breeders in the USA/Can. To use the first example: the genetics of grain are so well protected by the Government, and their proper dispersion and usage so controlled (I'm not saying this is a good thing, just saying)--therefore if you're a commercial farmer you can ONLY grow what the Gov has (I think...this is the way it is in Can, at least), but at the same time you can ALSO have some certainly that strain A will preform a certain way, etc. etc., because you can be fairly confident that what you put in the ground is what you'll see come harvest. Heritage breeds are maintained in much the same way, but more or less through enthusiasts and private foundations. This DOES occur with Cannabis: once a plant is grown out people can perserve it and I know there are capable people out there doing their own breeding, crossing, etc...but when you're talking about buying seeds from a greenhouse, breeder, or whatever...breeding is an underground operation for the most part and there is no regulatory board. So you can't know for certainty what you're getting. I'm not saying there needs to be some type of regulation (not that it would be possible right now), but when there is money to be made, there's always a little bit of decieving to be done IMO.
So yeah, you just end up going by the reputation of a certain breeder/greenhouse. That works because people buy seeds, grow plants and then report back to the community. Good breeders get perpetuated in this way, and bad breeders hopefully get left behind. Still, there is really never a guarantee that what a breeder sells you will have exactly the genetics that the name implies. I'm far from a professional so some one correct me if I'm wrong...but that's how I see it. What is in a name?
That which we call a rose...well, it's the flower that stays the same

If many people can grow the seeds, and they're consistently good enough, or much better than good enough...then that's fine and we can consider it a service to the community, because that "good stuff" isn't always easy to find, we all know that.
Sorry about the rant. I just get so hung up on why
everything has to have a brand name now to be worthy.
Stickstones, I totally know what you're saying. When we were a little younger we all picked up from different dudes (my friends and I, that is). Therefore myself and each of my buddies that smoked had different stuff from a different spot in the city. We used to love each pitching on a big j or whatever, because when we ground it all up together it became something totally different. You'd get this feeling that you recognized from dude A's herb, this effect from another one...blah blah. The point is if the stuff was different enough it really worked to create a "new", intermediary high! Yay for simple fun times!