Does it taste artificially or extremely piney, in a way that might suggest added alpha pinene from unknown sources? This could possibly explain the headache. It is not the only possibility though I gotta say and we'd need more evidence to throw around any accusations.
Thanks bud...I actually almost pm'ed you on it.
It's absolutely added. It's the same source that gave me the grape neem-ey stuff I told you about last time. And it was given free along with some other stuff that I bought, heck I am starting to wonder if my detailed complaints back up the chain aren't creating a self-fulfilling guinea pig prophecy...
So I think it was grape terps added last time, pine this time.
But I guess they're amateur grey market. Flower is banging. Wax, obviously...not.
It was headache, and *serious* burning of my sinuses, similar to when my (usually mild) allergies get a snootful of something during the Spring.
My face itself was actually burning after about 20 minutes, like a severe allergy attack (I don't know what an actual "allergic attack" feels like, never had one).
I didn't realize people could just buy terps and somehow stick it into co2 wax. Wowza.
Thanks bud, and peace.
(Luckily, some flowers of my own ind-dom Green Crack cleared things up. Okay, mayyyyybe more than "some"...)