An update on Himalayan Orange Diesel aka H.O.D.;
The high was nice and hung around for a good 2 to 3 hours, as previously stated, it starts cerebrally (is that a word? If not, I mean it begins in the head) and then spreads/seeps steadily throughout the body, where it hangs around, bringing a calm relaxing vibe. Nice!
Russian Rocket Fuel aka R.R.F.
Well I'never! After doing some research, I am to understand that this strain is a mix between New York City Diesel and White Russian, which explains quite a lot to me, now I can see why it's so strong, (Golovkin style)!!
I remember White Russian from back in the day, a High Times Cannabis Cup Winner in '96', if my memory serves me right! If you dig into White Russian you'll find that it has very good genetics!

Anyway I purposely refrained from having this so that I could objectively evaluate the H O D,.
However, after having a bowl of Russian Rocket Fuel in the Vapexhale EVO, I gotta say, the first thing that hit me as a noticeable variable between the two strains, is that The Russian Rocket Fuel has a nice 'sweetish' after taste. The other noticeable thing was that even on the first pull (the primer draw) I could feel the effect of the Rocket! It seemed like I was just inhaling fumes, but very potent fumes, cos I felt the same effect that I was feeling after the '3rd intake' of the H.O.D!
However, to be fair, the effects are not too dissimilar once the H.O.D. gets up to speed, but as the name implies the Russian Rocket Fuel gets you there faster, way faster and the high is different imho.

The effects of R.R. F. are instantly felt all over, but I like the way that you can function if you want to, or, should I say if you need to! This strains certainly fires up the neural pathways, as well as having that couch-locking effect at the same time, think 'locked-in' syndrome. lol!
I can say in all honesty, that I am extremely happy with this strain, I rate it along with Girl Scout Cookies in terms of taste and strength, and whilst it's just as strong, it certainly ain't as brutal as Chemdawg! I gave HOD an 8* but for Russian Rocket Fuel, I would certainly think about awarding 8++ or even a 9!!
Not saying

, Just saying

, Without saying,

Pure Peace