I saw a recipe for salmon where you put the cannabis without being decarbed directly on the uncooked salmon and you bake at 350 for a half hour depending how big of a piece of salmon. You will wrap it in foil, try to wrap it tight so not too much air escapes. They suggested .75 grams cannabis per person. You would have to play around with the doses and see. Salmon has a lot of fat.
Also asparagrass recipe where you sautéed the butter and garlic with the uncarbed cannabis and poured it on the cooked asparagus. It would need to cook for awhile with the butter to get the medicine, I would think.
Some hamburger 20% fat then you add cannabis, 1 egg. onion, salt, olive oil and pepper. The cannabis again isn't decarbed. You have to mix with your fingers so the cannabis gets well circulated throughout your meat. Then you fry it in a frying pan or BBQ you would have to watch your temp. Recipe suggests .75 gram per person of cannabis.