Only whip vapes that i can think of that wouldnt be capable of burning your herb would be a set-temp one, like the Hot Box. All the other once require you to take care in not turning the knob past a certain point. Usually it just takes a little while to familiarize yourself with the safe range. Safe knob setting would be one where you cant burn the load even if you hit it as soft as you can. If you set it for that, then none of your friends should be able to burn it. Unless they blow the herb into the HC or something.
But yeah, vapes like the HA are a lot easier for that situation. Not only just because bags are easy as hell to use with noobs, but because it can't burn your stuff, even at highest knob setting. Yet it somehow still manages to squeeze more out of your bud than any vape i've tried by a long shot lol and i guess it can do whip mode, so it fits what you're looking for. A lot of people like to upgrade the stock whip tubing tho.