I've been smoking bong for several years, but when it comes to vaporizers I'm a newbie. Though now it's time to get efficient and take care of my health!
So what should I choose? I've got the money, but I'm cheap. Though I rather buy an expensive one that's effecient and doesn't break/comes with warranty.
I'm not a big smoker. Usually smokes fri, sat and sometimes sundays; usually a gram/week. The vaporizer definately have to be able to handle hasch effeciently.
Don't know what more to say really... What should I get?
So what should I choose? I've got the money, but I'm cheap. Though I rather buy an expensive one that's effecient and doesn't break/comes with warranty.
I'm not a big smoker. Usually smokes fri, sat and sometimes sundays; usually a gram/week. The vaporizer definately have to be able to handle hasch effeciently.
Don't know what more to say really... What should I get?