I will rate most of the vapes i used in the flavor scale of 10.
Magic Wand - 9/10
Both fat high temp clouds and low temp numerous hazes are tasting nice from the first to the last hit.Also waterfiltration is the key for tastier vaporization IMO.It leaves very clean/medicinal aftertaste, just like you are tasting the living fresh plant
DBV - 3/10 before i discovered water filtration.. 5/10 with the help of a water pipe.One thing i noticed for DBV is that you get 1-3 tasty puffs and then taste is crap or gone.. It makes the top of the herb darker while the other side is still green. So you need to stirr in order to get fresher taste from the herb that is not darkened yet.
LSV - 7/10 No whip and more friendly to water filtration makes this vape taste a lot better than dbv. Also the herb is further away from the heating element than in DBV although it is the same.
MFLB 2/10 Dry as dbv. I like the taste of a new mflb but i dislike one of a used MFLB .. All the residue is filling the chamber with vapor even without herb.. with smell reminding me of long soak iso.
Vapo bowl 4/10 for the metal version whitout water filtration and 5/10 for it with.
6/10 for the Glass vapo bowl with water filtration. It is important to get the technique right and keep flame on a safe distance
UD - 10/10 Great taste ! I never thought that a log vape will taste so nice and will give such golden homegeneous ABV.
The experience is full with or without water filtration. Although water filtration allows bigger hits
It rivals the magic wand's taste in power but is not as medicinal.. it is richer and more robust yet not burn or overcooked.
MW vs UD is like , glass pipe vs gandalfs pipe
. Glass pipe is from cleanest material (boro)so you get some chemical privacy with your herb ,yet gandalf pipe is a true magic artefacts with natural looks,but enchanting and enhancing the experience ,making it feel legendary