I thought I would dust this thread off.
I like to use a few vaporizers. I have some portables that I seldom get out but may go back to some day. I have an EVO that I save for when I really want to get blasted. I don't use it every day but a few sessions a week. If I use my hard core vaporizer all the time, when I go back to something less it doesn't get the job done. It doesn't have the effect that it used to have.
The Woodscents from
@Ed's TnT is a hardcore log IMO, I have one and it's beautiful. It seems more hard hitting than my Enano. I love both logs.
IMO if i use something hardcore all the time that screws with how my other vaporizers effect me. I say save the hardcore vaporizers and not use them continually all the time. It seems like my body gets used to something more hardcore quickly. That might be just me.
I vaporize for a couple of medical conditions as well as recreationally. I work to keep my tolerance down. I had a few days T break last week to rev things help.
My body gets used to the same cannabis as well, so I switch around strains. I usually have five or six different strains in my stash sometimes more.
Always remember to fuck combustion.

Happy Friday FC.