Trichome Technician
No double boiler needed. It can be done at room temp with a fan blowing over the surface area of your evap dish.Thanks. I do not want to make edibles from my trim as the avb I accumulated fucks me up and I seem to build up more than I can eat. Iv decided on isohash. Have all trim and jars an 99.7 iso in freezer ready to go. I like the idea of micron bags and dry ice but them things are not readily available in uk. Iso 99 was hard enough to find.
Any iso tips welcome .do i need the double boiler. Can I just evaporate at room temp
I do recommend adding some heat near the end of the purge, as the alcohol evaporates, the oil will form a skin or matrix at the surface, adding heat will loosen the matrix by increasing viscosity, ultimately allowing the residual alcohol escape.
1) Minimal contact time regarding the ISO wash (QWISO = Quick Wash)
I used to make this quite often..
I count out loud 30 seconds maximum contact time on your first wash, this includes pouring time.
2) Be extremely gentle again at first, just use a very light swirling motion for the first wash. Then like the Dry Ice Method, increasing in shaking and contact time in small increments.
3) use a series of filters, starting from bigger holes to finer holes, then the coffee filters.
**you do not want to have any material in the coffee filter as it's draining **
4) Dab the coffee filter(s) with fresh alcohol beforehand, this will decrease the drainage time
5) Wash up to 3-4 times, keeping each wash separate.