What should I choose for my first vape?

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Hello there.
I am very new to vapes, and so is my father.
I'm actually trying to find one that will meet his needs and for a good price.
He recently found out that his cancer is back, and we need to find a good vaporizer for him.
We think that investing in a vape will greatly reduce his risk of getting it a third time.

He's an older man, in his mid 50's and not the best with technology.
So, I'm looking for something very simple to use, and one that will work effectively in getting him high.
A couple of years ago a buddy of mine let us borrow his vaporizer for awhile, I'm not sure of the make and model but it was pretty similar to the Easy Vape.
My dad didn't feel anything when using it, and it was somewhat difficult for him to even get a hit off of. I will admit, I was always unsure of what temp to use, as this was my first experience with one.
We can't afford one of the ridiculously expensive ones since we have to worry about medical bills and finally getting him his medical license. Our budget is around $100, maybe a bit more if it's worth it.

I was just hoping that one of you pros could help us out with finding the best one for him.
I've looked up a ton of vaporizers, but i have no idea which one, or which type to get.
Hiding it, and it being discrete isn't really a concern since he will soon have his medical license anyways.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing some feedback.


Vapes Hard
Hi, welcome to FC AbysmalCreation. I think it's great you and your father want to get into vaporizing, even though your first experience wasn't the best. There's plenty of options out there!

How much do you and your father usually use per session? Different vaporizers can hold anywhere from .025 to ~.5 grams in a bowl.
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Also, thank you for such a quick reply.

Currently, I am not smoking, due to legal issues, but my father typically smokes bowls in his metal piece or joints. They are usually approximately .025-.5 grams. He doesn't smoke a lot at a time, just frequently throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
Our budget is around $100, maybe a bit more if it's worth it.

I was just hoping that one of you pros could help us out with finding the best one for him.
I've looked up a ton of vaporizers, but i have no idea which one, or which type to get.
Hiding it, and it being discrete isn't really a concern since he will soon have his medical license anyways.

Howdy. Sorry to meet you under such unfortunate circumstances, best wishes there.

While a little over your target (about $150 on Amazon), I recommend the Herbalaire. Solid as a rock, very simple to work (single control, set the temperature, load it, when the light changes hit it). You have the option of direct draw, using a whip, blowing bags or coupling it up to a water pipe. It does an excellent job on extraction (you don't even have to grind or break up your herb), is easy to clean and you can shut it off mid load and finish it later. You can also run concentrates in it.

Again, sorry about your father's issues. IMO he's indeed fortunate to have such a son in his corner.

Thank you, sir.

That does seems like a very good deal and worth the little extra money. This one sounds like it suit him great. I love that fact that it can be used in more than just one way, I never knew such a vape existed. But then again, there is a reason I'm asking for help. Hah.
Once he gets home from his appointment at the University Of Michigan, I will have to talk to him about this vape.

Thank you again, this was valuable information.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you, sir.

Thank you again, this was valuable information.

Not at all sure who this guy 'sir' is, but you are very welcome.

One other thought, the hose supplied for the whip is tiny and cheap (aquarium hose?). It works but is kinda lame and the unit is light enough that the stiff hose tries to pull it over (which is OK, but annoying). I think a couple feet of better (larger) hose is a good idea. This is my favorite tube for such stuff:

The 1/4 inch ID stuff fits over the stems very well, makes a good vape whip and also a nice way to empty bags. At one point I used the 1/2 inch ID version over the top cap, but the unit draws so freely the extra diameter didn't make much difference and made it stiffer.

The other tip is I put a fine mesh SS screen (1/2 inch size) on top of the load in the crucible. This helps keep the built in screen in the cap cleaner. When they get fouled I swap them out. When I have several in the 'dirty jar' I hold them with a clamp (an otherwise useless 'roach clip' in fact....) and blast them with one of these lighters until they glow:

At 3 bucks each, I recommend a couple (I've lost a couple, never had one fail). Free shipping (Hong Kong), takes about 2 weeks to get here.

Anyway, the heat burns all the fouling way in no time and they're ready for use again. Since starting this I've only had to clean the screen in the top once, and it didn't really need it even then. These are the screens I use:

OK, that was two more things......no extra charge. OK, 3 if you count the lighters.

Best wishes.

My bad, I just assumed. I apologize.
Thank you very much for the information.
I do already have a nice Zippo torch lighter, which has always worked quite well to burn of resin from the pipe. But yes, Deal Extreme is a very nice website, I've used to a few times. You can't beat the prices or the free shipping.

Thank you for all of this useful information and the links as well.
Hopefully we'll be able to order that vape and the accessories quite soon, it's definitely needed.
Thanks again.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for all of this useful information and the links as well.
Hopefully we'll be able to order that vape and the accessories quite soon, it's definitely needed.
Thanks again.

You're very welcome. Best of luck, to you and your father.



Out to lunch
Not sure if it would fit your needs, but the Vapolution 2.0 is within your budget with the discount they offer FC members. It has an all glass air path, is very efficient, and you can use it with the all glass wand, with a whip, and also with a water pipe if needed. If you are interested here is the thread for the Vapolution.
I like the Vapolution, but for ease of use I'd have to vote for the herbalAire as well. The Vapo has more of a learning curve, and although both models take chunks of herb, as far as loading, vs. ground, with the herbie you just toss it in. With the Vapo you have be careful to load just the right size-too big and your air path is restricted (and the herb won't be fully processed)- too small and it can get sucked in past the bowl area. I think bag use is a good option in this case too.
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Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
You are one of the most polite new members I have seen on any forum in a long time.

I would also lean towards the herbalaire. You could save by getting the version 1 which only has aesthetic differences from the version 2. It is such a solid system and it very easy to use since you dont even need to screw around with a grinder at all.


I thnk a LOG vape (UD or HI or CRZ get my votes) or maybe whip (SSV) would fit the bill!

Welcome btw! :)


Apprentice Daydreamer
I too vote for log. For medicating frequently throughout the day, a log seems to be the best option. It will do exactly that with least effort and also conserve a lot. As it is meant to be on 24/7 it is always ready. Also easy and simple to load/hit/reload and produces great quality vapor. Also they're generally beatiful, tiny and indestructible. And they don't have any lights, whistles, buttons, etc. Just being connected in wall and one can suck vapors from it, doesn't need to know anything about technology.

7th floor vapes are also an option. Can do big hits with big loads. They are already desribed here.

beach bum

Welcome to FC! I echo the SSV or log suggestion. I think both have their advantages. :2c:

P.S. Kind of choked on the "older" in the mid-50s comment...guess it's time to find some hair dye for these darned grays that keep poking up (on my head, in my eyebrows...'nuff said). :)
Thank you to all of you.
You're all giving me more information on these vapes and suggestions than I had imagined I would get. It's nice to find a group of people who are so helpful.
I'm still not sure on which one to get, but I will definitely let you know which we decide on and how it works out for him.

Thank you Centizen, I don't see any need to be rude to any of you, you're going out of your way to give me some good advice.

And to BeachBum, I apologize. 50's is older to me! I'm only 22. I do apologize if I offended you though.

beach bum

And to BeachBum, I apologize. 50's is older to me! I'm only 22. I do apologize if I offended you though.

No offense taken. I guess "older" is relative. I think of 100 as older, but there was a time I thought 40 was old. ;)

Again, welcome to FC and good luck with your vape shopping. Please do let us know what you ended up getting.
beach bum,
You're right, it is relative. I'm sure once I'm your age I'll think another age is older.
Thank you, I will definitely let you all know.


From my personal exp with some vaps i have tryed and for the money u want to spent...
try get a lotus vaporizer pipe!
Alot of people vaped from it for the first time cause of me and I allways get comments, If i want to sell it or stuff like that. Simple on use and great taste and it can be easy for ur father to addapt on a pipe idea!!
Awesome, thank you Bambaacha. His surgery is on Thursday, so I will have to have one here and ready for him to use once his tongue has recovered enough. I'm checking out the Lotus Vape right now and I think it would be great for him. He used his pipe more than anything and this seemss to be very very easy to use, which is a huge plus.
How well does it hit, and do you get as high from it as you would from actually smoking?

What about the Vapor Genie? How do the two compare to one another?


Well-Known Member

First off I would like to say that getting away from smoking should be very beneficial to your father, considering that smoke contains carcinogenic substances.

I tried the regular vapor genie as my first portable vape, i was not impressed to say the least. However, I have seen vaporists having good results with the Glass Vaporgenie pipe..As seen in this video by Vitolo

I agree with Weedemon that a log vape(UnderDog) or a whip type vaporizer(DBV and SSV) sounds suitable in my opinion.

Another all natural therapy to pursue, like medical cannabis, would be the Gerson therapy, here is a film about it(it is a treatment suitable for cancer, plus other chronic conditions.)
Thank you for all the information. Yes, I agree, the Gerson Therapy would be great, the thing is, we don't know how long it will take to reverse the cancer, and he's already scheduled for surgery tomorrow. Another thing we've looked into for him is the Tears Of Phoenix cannabis oil, we just can't come up with the money to make any.


Well-Known Member
I don't have anything to add to the good advice here, but let me add my best wishes for a full recovery. It sounds like you guys are very close, and I'm sure that will help him on the path.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Headdoctor. Best of luck to you and your fathers recovery. Recovery is totally possible. I say start the Gerson therapy anyway, since you said this is a reoccurrence of the same cancer, it should help to keep it away and gone for good! And yes I was about to mention, cannabis oil is another fantastic treatment, and if you could buy, or make some, or find a caregiver of sorts who makes it for seriously ill medical cannabis patients, that would really be great to incorporate(it even works topically on skin cancers just FYI)

Surgery is often not a cure, and often gets coupled with toxic radiation and chemotherapy treatments, which have recently been found to encourage cancers to grow! So those are no-no's, however gerson therapy and different cannabis therapies(you can even incorporate one into the other!!! I have heard and seen AMAZING things from juicing RAW cannabis, like veggies would be juiced for the Gerson therapy... If you have enough raw cannabis and a slow rotating juicer, its definitely a path to possibly pursue.) Again I wish you both the best of luck, I know he will beat this! and remember recovery is entirely possible, with the right kinds of natural treatments (Carcinogens only feed the disease.) Peace and love :peace: <3 :bigleaf:
Thank you guys so much for your support and good words.
His surgery is being rescheduled due to a cancerous lymph-node that the surgeon could not locate as easily before, so they had to run a pet scan before they could do it, but it should be soon.
Hopefully he can overcome it again, but I'm sure he will.
Yes, we will have to start him on the Gerson, and Cannabis oil treatments as soon as possible. Luckily, my brother is a care giver and has his license as well, so I will have to talk to him about making up a batch of oil for our father.
I never knew that you could put raw cannabis in a juicer and it would help combat the cancer as well, that is nice to know.
Hopefully we can get rid of this again, but without the use of radiation again. I don't want him to have to go through it again, it about killed him last time. He still hasn't put any weight back on and it's been two years now. I just thank my lucky stars that I know he's in good hands at the University of Michigan. They've done some great work, it's just a shame that we had to find that out the hard way.
Once again, thank you guys so much for everything. I've never had so many strangers show me so much support, and help me out so much. You're awesome people.
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan! :) Be sure to come back and let us know how things are going once its all started up. :tup:
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