@Alexis I suffer from smoking issues in the chest, maybe asthma/COPD related, have looked this Zane undiluted one up and apparently it's not as good as it used to be as reviews have stated, I've found another which seems good and reviews agree so will go with that one, did you notice a major change taking this for chest lung issues please??
Okay, thanks for bringing those notable observations to the table. I have not been paying attention as as far as I can tell, the oregano oil works perfectly well for me.
But I did look at Amazon reviews put of curiosity.
Indeed, a number claiming it's not the same standard as in past.
But most of the 1 star reviews are silly and invalid. People moaning it smells too strong. Was too fiery. Irritated daughter's acne despite diluting, when Im sure they only diluted it 50/50 which is for internal consumption.
For topical use, except palms and soles, it needs to be only 25% oregano oil.
Im not dismissing this. Just trying to fathom it, it's much like politics actually.
Everything in our world is so polsrising now more than ever, and reviews can be so misleading.
I am sure I could look at reviewd for almost everything I have and have ever bought and find lots of silly, 1 star,,cursing reviews of things which have only ever been consitently good or helpful to me.
And many 5 star reviews mirroring my own experiences.
So alomg with the negative 1 star reviews, are equal 5 star priaises of the oregano oil, from very recently.
Coming at this afresh, like the whole Politics thing, you would have no idea what to believe.
I firmly believe that many negative reviews are by people who lack the acumen to accurately decipher and intuit. In general. It does my headmin that any single thing you might look up on Amazon, you're almost guaranteed to find dozens of 1 star "worst purchase ever" type reviews.
Which can really throw you.
I would say, for now, you have nothing to lose except a few bucks. You will get oregano oil which has a good level of efficacy atbthe very least.
There is another brand called P80, very pricey. The Zane Hellas has always been plenty good enough for myself, mum and friends, so I never copped for the pricey P80.
You can always try a few different brands, see if you can feel a difference. Nothing to lose except you need to buy the oil, and time to test and measure.
Thanks again for alerting me to the changing of the labelling. I strongly expect it is a regulatory, redtape thing, whereby they have decided not to label as wild organic, because some legality may require expensive certification for essentially no difference in the product.
Im just guessing at that though. I see no reason on earth why those Greek guys would need to change how they grow, harvest and produce the oil, after nature has been doing it all for them superbly forever.