What is the better PID?


Well-Known Member
Hey there,
since my ballvape comes without a PID controller ill have to get one myself. I can get either model by crossing technologies.
Now the seller told me that the small green one heats up much faster and also regulates better while inhaling, but he also mentioned that the unit has no auto tuning function for the PID parameters. So im wondering if it will work with any standard 16mm coil as long as the voltage and pinout are correct? Does anyone know?

If so, im wondering where the PID parameters come from without auto tuning….




Well-Known Member
Altho I have both, I dunno about performance to be honest
The bottom ones are very light and flimsy feeling in comparison to the top ones
And I'm not a fan of the screen on the top as I often have more than one on the table and like to stack them
So I only keep it as a backup for my Newvape controller really


Well-Known Member
Thanks Happie,
i was told that the small one heats up twice as fast.… is that your experience as well?

Grass Yes

Staff member
Now the seller told me that the small green one heats up much faster and also regulates better while inhaling
This part is false. The Crossing Micro PID controller doesn't update live temperature on the display. It isn't holding it more stable, it just doesn't tell you the temperature dropped. Six String explains this very well here:

I have the micro PID and an Auber, but I don't find the micro heats up any faster. I know lots of folks who have both and I have never heard that is faster than the many xmt7200 devices.

I'd be a bit wary of that seller after they made those claims. At least shop around for the best price. Both those controllers can be found quite cheaply on Ali, and are available from multiple sites.

Both of these will work fine with any coil with the correct pin out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys,
the seller did mention the static display on the micro pid. Still, according to him the micro is much faster 🤷‍♂️ he does sell both models for the exact same price. He is not some chinese fella but from a reputable eu vaping shop. If anyone has both and cares to compare heat up times id be very interested in the results.

ps: maybe the heat up time is different at 220v as opposed to 110v….
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staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
Simply from a thermodynamics perspective, there’s absolutely no reason to believe one would heat twice as fast as the other. Regardless, we can’t prove a negative, so the real burden of proof falls squarely upon the dude making the claim.


Well-Known Member
You can pick up the micro for about half the price of the other one on Aliexpress and DHGate (I paid £25 delivered)
Replacing the chip may be just as easy with both units but I don't know that for a fact
Whereas I do know I can pick up a new xmt7200 chip for the top one for under £20 that I know I can fit in 5mins, if I need
But is it worth it? When you can pick up a new micro for less than £25 delivered

The Jcvap ADL 7100-A is also another option
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