What is the best 510 thread vape pen battery?

Looking for the highest possible quality 510 thread vape pen batteries. I can't seem to even find any that are more than like $35 bucks. I want one that is made out of space age type shit and looks tight af and costs like $100+. Does this exist?

Those look dooooope, but I am still a bit of a vaping n00b, so please just clear up my confusion...For instance, if I were to buy this contraption (https://www.gearbest.com/temperature-control-mods/pp_227563.html) would I be able to take it out of the box, charge it, screw in one of my 510 thread carts and just start puffin away? Or would I need to buy something else to make it work?


Well-Known Member
Those look dooooope, but I am still a bit of a vaping n00b, so please just clear up my confusion...For instance, if I were to buy this contraption (https://www.gearbest.com/temperature-control-mods/pp_227563.html) would I be able to take it out of the box, charge it, screw in one of my 510 thread carts and just start puffin away? Or would I need to buy something else to make it work?
I am not the battery guy here and others will be able to answer better than I. But, you will need to tweak the settings on the mod to get the proper voltage/etc. to fire up whatever you put on top. Many cartridges that come in modern packaging have some recommendation for what settings are needed. Otherwise, you'll need to look up the requirements on the web.

For example:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I don't vape prefilled carts very often, but there are times when I need a stealthy vape.

Just ordered a Minimax Pro, looks like a Automobile Keyfob, looking forward to trying it out
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