What is it called and how do I vaporize it?

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
@El Duderino to me it looks like what @Franco wrote. In illegal EU countries people did extracts with butan or iso foremost with leftovers from grows. Something like honey bee extractor was the name of a popular device driven by lighter gas years ago. The outcome looks exactly like the concentrat in your picture and fits your description. However we called this just oil or hash oil.

Thanks a lot for your reply. The safest thing will be to ask my friend again. The opinions here in the thread differ so widely that I am now completely unsure. :uhoh:

Baking soda and a little water to make a wet paste. Use that to clean the banger.

Great advise, thank you! Gonna try that.

You might try a cold start dab to try for better flavor. Put the concentrate into a cold banger (or warm it just enough to melt that sticky stuff off the tool) and then heat the banger (bottom and sides) until the concentrate starts to bubble. Cap it and rip it. Apply a bit more heat if needed.

Good idea, thank you very much! I'll give it a try when I have something (safe) to dab again.
El Duderino,
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Unregulated Tendencies
No real insight. Just want to congratulate you for an excellent thread title. I lol each time I read it.

predator GIF

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
We've ALL had to wonder this question many times before.

Thanks for that, it's good to know that I'm not alone. ;) Unfortunately, since we don't have any cannabis stores in this country, it's much more difficult to get hold of good products (especially concentrates). And when you get something, you just have to trust (or hope) that it's OK.

I've felt tat way with cannabis, as well as plenty of other drugs when I was "new" to it.

Haha, so true, let's not even begin to talk about the other drugs... 😇


Well-Known Member
How anyone here is advising someone to vape or smoke that is beyond my comprehension. :disgust:
Leaving the material too long in Alcohol also extracts Chlorophyll also, causing the green color.
Freeze the material in quart jar, freeze the Ethanol, pour Frozen Eth to cover material, Gently agitate for no more than 60-90 seconds.....pour thru coffee filter While In Freezer....(keeps fats and some chlorophyll from extracting by keeping it frozen temps or close. Once filtered, pour into a glass cake pan, sit on top of a slow cooker...once evaped(leave a lil sticky to make it easier to collect, letting it dry too long will create Shatter which will fly everywhere when scraping) scrape with a razorblade, store in a dab container, in open air till it cures, whip it once it cures softer...may stay Shatter or turn to Budder !
Done this Many times before I got my Press to make Rosin instead of Resin !


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for your reply. The safest thing will be to ask my friend again. The opinions here in the thread differ so widely that I am now completely unsure. :uhoh:
That`s the best of course when possible. Would be nice if you let us know what it is :)
Leaving the material too long in Alcohol also extracts Chlorophyll also, causing the green color.
I was thinking in the same direction. The smell and taste he described I guess is caused by chlorophyll too?
This was the best concentrate we could get ten years plus ago in an illegal country :bowdown: though I thought it was made by butan...

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
So I asked my friend again and it is apparently an alcohol-based extraction, as @Franco suspected. The dark color comes from the chlorophyll.

So I had the courage to vaporize the last little bit of the concentrate in my quartz banger (which I got sparkling clean again with a paste made of baking soda - many thanks to @bizwaxzion at this point, great tip!). I did a cold start, as suggested by @bizwaxzion. That worked very well, I didn't combust this time, the taste was much better and nothing burned into the banger. The high afterwards was very strong, but pleasant.

Now that I have nothing more of this concentrate, the topic can basically be closed. Thank you all very much for your important information, tips and warnings. It's a learning for me to pay more attention to what I vaporize in the future. As we unfortunately can't buy any good concentrates in this country, I let myself be carried away by the euphoria of finally being able to try out this ominous "dabbing". However, I will try to make my own concentrates in the future (I'm already looking forward to my hair straightener from Aliexpress :lol:), then I'll know exactly what I'm vaping.

Thank you all so much - you have helped me a lot! :bowdown:

EDIT: Sorry for the back to back post!
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good vibes only
1- The concentrate you received is likely called wax or cannabis wax, which is a type of cannabis concentrate.
2- Yes, you can vaporize wax using a quartz banger, but it's essential to control the temperature carefully. Your method sounds close, but the banger may have been too hot, causing the concentrate to burn rather than vaporize. Experiment with lower temperatures to achieve better results and preserve flavor.
Nice reviving this thread! As soon as I saw the photo, I was like ," that's feco!" it looks just like mine when I increase my infusing time x2 and/or don't filter well.
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