Trichome Technician
Subjectivity and Semantics seem to be playing out here.
I can not speak for @lwien , but I'm fairly sure that I've read posts by him stating that his typical load is 0.025 in his EQ Basket every night.
Myself, use 0.075- 0.1 (Rarely 0.2- 0.3) every single night.
So, at an average of 0.05 daily between two different Vaporists, just because it's a daily routine; this is "Heavy Usage"?
In my case the subjective nature lies within a medical necessity to get Cannabinoids into my bloodstream in order for me to get a solid night of sleep.
I do not perceive Cannabis as a drug though... More like a supplement, there is a very valid reason why the Human Body is readily equipped with the Endo-Cannabinoid system.
Cannabinoids can most certainly act as a Vitamin or Supplement.
So, take your Vitamins FC!
I'm actually starting to get more meticulous about the exact weight of every single load the further I progress as an exclusive Vaporist.
Really starting to see how much cannabis I used to waste when combusting.
It's absolutely nothing short of astonishing.
Even when I was rolling 2+ gram joints for my bedtime needs, I still can't see that as heavy usage, as it was still just one session per day, with an intentional purpose.
I can not speak for @lwien , but I'm fairly sure that I've read posts by him stating that his typical load is 0.025 in his EQ Basket every night.
Myself, use 0.075- 0.1 (Rarely 0.2- 0.3) every single night.
So, at an average of 0.05 daily between two different Vaporists, just because it's a daily routine; this is "Heavy Usage"?
In my case the subjective nature lies within a medical necessity to get Cannabinoids into my bloodstream in order for me to get a solid night of sleep.
I do not perceive Cannabis as a drug though... More like a supplement, there is a very valid reason why the Human Body is readily equipped with the Endo-Cannabinoid system.
Cannabinoids can most certainly act as a Vitamin or Supplement.
So, take your Vitamins FC!

I'm actually starting to get more meticulous about the exact weight of every single load the further I progress as an exclusive Vaporist.
Really starting to see how much cannabis I used to waste when combusting.
It's absolutely nothing short of astonishing.
Even when I was rolling 2+ gram joints for my bedtime needs, I still can't see that as heavy usage, as it was still just one session per day, with an intentional purpose.