Have been a cook,
then a bartender,
then a motorcycle salesman (Ducatis, KTMs, Husqvarnas etc),
then a barista,
then a Nokia Shop owner and technician,
then a bartender again,
then a cook and chef again,
then a SPY wholesalesman
then a mattress/furniture salesman,
then unemployed for a few years,
then I got into natural lifestyle and nutrition, natural building and natural/permaculture farming,
learned to grow amazing sun-fed organic weed, got busted (still waiting for trial),
lived in a yurt in a farm for a year growing food and making stuff,
had to work at water sports this summer and
now hopefully I manage to find a piece of land with a few friends this year and start living of the grid, sustainably and with our own food and built our houses with mother nature's soil, wood and water and never have a job again in my life...