What do users vape? Flowers or Concentrates?


stay true to yourselves
I take my tolerance breaks by vaping only. With such a plethora of cheap, properly made concentrates available here, it would be a crime not to take advantage of it. The flavors alone make it worth it IMO.
You live in a world of kings, while us peasants must have T-breaks without top-shelf herb.
Have you got a spare bedroom at your house? ;)
Yes, actually I do.
I've already offered to work as Ataxian's butler lol. Ahh the Green Card. I'd love to move to the USA but not likely to happen. It would be hard to stick to flowers only with all of the goodies available. The USA is kind of like Australia as far as I can tell. If you have no skills, no money and don't want to do much you will likely be offered a visa. If you are educated, skilled and employable it seems you are shit out of luck. I shouldn't complain though. I have the right to reside in three different countries. I just wish one of them was the USA. Ahh California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado ... one can dream :)


stay true to yourselves
Yes, actually I do.
.......and he likes long strolls on the beach under a full moon.
Interested in a short-term mutually beneficial civil vapeship? (Vape+Friendship) ;) haha

I've already offered to work as Ataxian's butler lol. Ahh the Green Card. I'd love to move to the USA but not likely to happen. It would be hard to stick to flowers only with all of the goodies available. The USA is kind of like Australia as far as I can tell. If you have no skills, no money and don't want to do much you will likely be offered a visa. If you are educated, skilled and employable it seems you are shit out of luck. I shouldn't complain though. I have the right to reside in three different countries. I just wish one of them was the USA. Ahh California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado ... one can dream :)
I knowwwwww. Plenty of time though, life is a long journey and no doubt it's winding roads will take me Cali at just the right moment..


Well-Known Member
I just want to be able to get the "right" strains when I want them. The guys in recreational and MMJ states can choose an indica, a sativa, the percentage of THC... I stick pretty much to flowers because they are so beautiful in that form!


Salutations CybrGuy,

...How many people vape flowers exclusively...

Flowers only, i gave hashish a few tries in combo scenarios but it didn't feel like it used to when i was a smoker. Dry cannabis is plenty as it is anyway: i've developped a related allergy and hence "more is less", so i'm now into blended mixes... By chance my VG pipe is a perfect tool for that.



I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
Vape buds, concentrates, kief... and combinations of each. Flash-vape (nail) concentrates. Still combust traditional hashes though.


Well-Known Member
I have always been only flowers , except maybe some keef from the grower. Lately though my flowers have just been sitting around for so long that they lose flavor. Its not a bad thing just the enano is extremely efficient and I dont ever have more than 3 sessions a day with small amounts of flower. I use the PnP as well for travel and have gotten to the point where I don't fill the bullets more than 1/3 and Im fine. I got my first ever "wax" a couple weekends ago and while it wasnt great, it had a great taste. I cant say it hit me a whole lot more than my flowers on there own but when combined it was a better overall experience. So what Im saying is flowers mostly and concentrates as a bonus here and there to supplement my older stuffs lost effectiveness/flavor.
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Almost there...
Any form of MMJ goes in my room!

Flowers, oil, wax, budder, QWISO etc...
95% flowers and 5% of the other goodies but the other goodies are always worked in!!

I have also designated my unused D020 bubbler as my combustion piece...
One small roll of bud does me nicely before bed.
Somehow i find a lot more CBD when combusting and if my back is acting up it is the only way to knock the pain and myself out!

Grim Chiclets

Well-Known Member
Prefer flowers, probably due to shatter around here never being clean unless I redissolve, refilter, and re-evap..
Seriously. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat.

Every few weeks though when my Solo stem/s get all ooey-gooey I toss it/both in some super hot coffee with some whole milk before I do a full clean- after which I can still filter the ISO reclaim for some dabbable coffee flavored oils.



New Member
Flowers only. I'm not one to judge, but concentrates are overly indulgent by my standards. Not something to be done regularly at all.
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