Worst: Firefly: rare good hits, only 20 mins of use per charge!? Combustion?! Hardly works? Best thing i ever did was trade it in for a extreme Q
Best: None yet, Haven't found anything that makes me want to vape flowers yet
thank god for shatter, dabs all day!
To each their own, but I cringed a bit, my Firefly may be the best!
It's the vape that got me back into vaping. The BEST taste, and such a killer high. I always get so ripped off the Firefly.
Though, I went through a period of time with the old 750 Battery, where it was dying often, that I started hating it. Even after a month or two, just got stale vaping the same way all the time, and putting it on the charger. Was not very portable.
Recently started using it again though with the new battery, and hitting it using a new technique that was essentially what I did, but preheating for 4 light pulses, then 2 more, then hitting. Wrecks me, tastes amazing, lung busters. Battery lasts most of the day.
I like all my vapes though. Hate certain things about them? I'm not sure.
- MFLB - Best purchase as a new vaping upstart college kid who needs discretion. Worst for convenience because when I used mine, didn't have PA's available and carrying around batteries when I would lose the caps was awful.
-Firefly- Best taste, worst battery life later when I had mine, but now it's remedied.
-Underdog- The janky battery life made me get an Underdog, where it had the best extraction, but the worst heat up time and portability factor. Got a VVPS....heats up in 5 minutes now
-Lotus- BEST BONG RIPS!!! It's the worst at charring my buds though, I risk combustion every time I use it because I use it to rip....I can take lighter heat hits and the problem is remedied, this is more my issue. Still, taking lighter hits, I find it hard not to push the bowl one more hit to REALLY vape it and end up charring some.
The charring is borderline nitpicking, not like the whole bowl is black, just a few spots here and there.
-PAX- Best at stealth vaping. I use it while walking my parents dog, or really any time I have to go to my rent's and want to vape at some point. Load a trench, take it and go. It's the worst at conserving weed, worst with smell, worst with cleaning. Out of all my vapes, I regret it the most, and am currently thinking about selling it...that being said, I still enjoy it and it has its place, although it's getting limited.
- Vapman- Best true portable I have, not tied to batteries or anything (I only have Lotus WPA). Love the form factor, feel so cool using it. Also better conduction vape in terms of taste compared to my PAX and is much better at extracting. Can get very high off a very little amount. I have only had it a week or two, I literally cannot think of anything wrong with it or that I dislike. I guess the bowl is pretty small, but I still get high off it...
Eh, guess now that I got it on papert, the Vapman is my overall best

though I had been serenading it this evening so I could be biased. PAX is most definitely the worst. Basically, everything has a con, but most of them can be fixed.
I didn't count the Chinese Vapor Bro's Vape I had for 2-3 months first semester of college, but that was undoubtedly the worst vape I've used, it was only like 40 bucks though and I didn't know anything...