What Are YOUR Best/Worst Vape Purchases?


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
The two best vapes I've ever purchased were both tagged with the name Arizer (Solo & EQ) I was lucky enough to obtain them early in my vaping life, thanks to FC, so don't have a huge "worst" list as I had no need to replace them.

(Herbie doesn't count as a best purchased model, so didn't give it props in my initial statement, but it does rock as well).


Well-Known Member
@robbie I have five different flame powered vapes in regular rotation right now all are nicely made and all but one(the lotus) are for the most part beautiful handmade heirloom quality wooden vapes in which there is no risk of lead or any other toxins in there designs and materials used.

It has absolutely nothing to do with lead or toxins. I just personally don't like the look of them, or the process of lighting up a vape with a butane lighter. I prefer a solid consistently heated element. But that is only my preference and personal opinion, nothing more than that. I wasn't invalidating them in any way or saying they are loaded with toxins, if it came across that way. Some people think log vapes look wretched to look at and to use. I love them.


I go where the thrills are
How 'bout that Vapor Blunt 2.0? Jesus, I wish I had a time machine to stop myself from buying that little gem. :bang:

Best? Both of my FFs (even though each has been replaced three times!). Nano is a close second....for sheer value I'd go with the Nano.
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Well-Known Member
@robbie I really do advise getting a torch vape, such as a VG, Vapman, or Lily. Even if you don't think they look pretty they'll sure make you feel pretty. :brow:

Besides, having something like a VG is a great backup vape!

Well I am up for trying anything and thou shalt not knocketh thil thou haveth tried I suppose.

I do imagine I will try/own one at some point since I seem to have developed the syndrome many of you are all aware of.. I can't imagine it being a daily driver though, but who knows. Maybe I will come back all hypocritical and preachy about it and gloat on about how it reminds me of my long lost pipe smoking days :science:

I actually wouldn't mind one for powercuts and such.

Scott A

Well-Known Member
Best- Underdog for sure. My sub and HI are a close second and third but the fact that I destroyed my first underdog on accident and Dave was still nice enough of a guy to send me out a brand new vape as soon as I told him what happened and before he even received the old destroyed vape back from me. So customer service takes it over the top for me for sure.

Worst- Kind of a tie between the solo and flowermate but the solo probably wins out here based on my frustrations with warranty service with the solo and the flowermate being so cheap when I got it. My whole experience with the solo simply left me wondering why people on here like it so much.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but the Firewood 2. I could never pull a hit that was more than a wisp off that thing, even with the power adapter. The MFLB was my first vape, so I'm not unfamiliar with slow drawing vapor. Herb could be carefully scooped into the capsule with some ease, but I remember that it would rattle in the heating section like a spray paint can. Little chunks of herb would suck up into the coil on the glass mouthpiece.

I also only bought the Firewood on a whim because I was wanting to recreate something like a dugout. It turned out to be a dud for me. I sold it on the classifieds to a Firewood aficionado. Now I'm only out $50 and the vape has a good home

EDIT: And the best vape? I don't know, I have a special place in my heart for the Solo and want another one. I also like da Buddha but almost get tired of taking big hits from the whip
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Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
You guys and your acronyms.. :myday: Makes my head hurt and hard to keep score but it looks by my count (way vaped and bad at math) the ssv is ahead of the solo by 5 with the extreme and dbv shortly after for the leaders ..:rockon:

It's Mflb as the clear winner for worst with Iolite not too far back. :| Great thread!

Best, hercs. 7x
worst atmos bullit2go
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Well-Known Member
I noticed you are not alone in your opinion of the mflb and also i read mentions of counterfeits in here so maybe that has somethinng to do with it?

Could be. It could also be because there are those that tried to use it as their main, primary vaporizer. For me, it would not perform very well using it that way either but to use it for maintenance hits after using either my LSV or MV for initial lift-off, it works very well, that is, small but instantaneous hits with instant on-off heat so that there is absolutely no waste.


thoroughly vaped
I still like my MFLB, too. Not that it is my favorite (nano for sure), but still the only vape I know I can take out and about and very discreetly maintain my buzz.

Least favorite? Don't think I've ever really bought one, but those light bulb and heat gun experiments before I found FC were horrible!


Space is the Place
@lwien I was thinking the voodoo was the red version of the vapir one. Saw one in use once that was all taped up (like momofthegoons did your head) and still leaked near as much vapor as came out of the hose and sounded like a broken shop vac. (it did make vapor though and it wasn't my herb so ...)


well-worn member
Another vote for the ssv, that was my 3rd (& 4th) vape purchase but that was the vape that really got the party started for me. As far as portables go, crafty's the winner with the lotus and firefly tied for 2nd.
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