Abysmal Vapor
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I am getting jaded too

I am getting jaded too

I guess I'm in the minority here, but for me, I would find it odd celebrating a substance that I have used, off and on for over 40 years. I would find it odd to celebrate any substance. It's just as odd to me as naming a piece, which many do also.
Maybe it's my age, but I just don't get it. What is it about cannabis that deserves a special day of celebration? It's just weed.
I mean, I would understand it, if on 4/20, cannabis became federally legal and all those that were in prison for MJ possession were released. THAT would be a day to celebrate. But just to celebrate the existence of a hallucinogen? Why? I mean, every time we light up, or vape up, isn't that kind of a celebration in and of itself?
I know. I'm being a buzz kill here. Just speakin' off the top o mah head is all.
Sorry to hear about your puppy DS. I love my dogs more than I like most people and it kills me when they get sick or hurt. On the bright side this fucked up week is damn near over,here's to the next one being better!I'll be going to visit my puppy at the animal hospital tomorrow. Once I get home I'll be getting so stoned and just relaxing because it has been a fucked up week.
It may be because I have been in this culture for over 4 decades, that I am a bit jaded. Hell, I don't even think I'm part of the culture anymore. My being here has more to do with my fascination with vaporizers as a tool, more than the celebration of the weed...
....Now where was I?![]()
I have thought the same thing lwien, glad it's not just me.I guess I'm in the minority here, but for me, I would find it odd celebrating a substance that I have used, off and on for over 40 years. I would find it odd to celebrate any substance. It's just as odd to me as naming a piece, which many do also.
Maybe it's my age, but I just don't get it. What is it about cannabis that deserves a special day of celebration? It's just weed.
I mean, I would understand it, if on 4/20, cannabis became federally legal and all those that were in prison for MJ possession were released. THAT would be a day to celebrate. But just to celebrate the existence of a hallucinogen? Why? I mean, every time we light up, or vape up, isn't that kind of a celebration in and of itself?
I know. I'm being a buzz kill here. Just speakin' off the top o mah head is all.
i also toke for solidarity for the GIANT prison population, the majority who are for in minor possession charges. i am one of the few in my circle of many stoners who values this day/time as much, but i paid a heavier price than any of them ever did. my perspective, no hating. only love, 'specially today. peace
as an older smoker i'd think you'd understand that more than most, lwien. this meant more back when people didn't tell everyone they met that they smoked, for fear of incarceration, but also in fear of being looked down on. when smokers where in the closet. a theme of many of a hempfest over the past two decades was for smokers to come out of the closet, just like gays and gamblers did. now it's not a big deal if someone comes out as a gambler, gay, or ganja lover, but that doesn't mean that we still can't value the solidarity of knowing that while "i" may have to hide it from my family, friends, coworkers, etc.
am happy for you, but you might reflect on today of how, just a few states away, people who didn't want opiates for pain went to jail for life for possession of any amount of cannabis. and smile and think of all of those who AREN'T in jail right now due to the efforts of activists.For me, I never did hide it from my family, friends and co-workers. All my friends and co-workers indulged in weed amongst other things and while I didn't toke up when I was with family, they knew that I dabbled. Hell, when I was a district manager of a clothing chain, I'd go around and pack everyone's nose about once a week as a perk. I was a productive hippy and didn't do much to hide that fact. I lived the lifestyle, so for me, there was no hiding it. I mean, I was smart about it and never smoked in front of the cops, but I sure did at concerts every weekend. Never even came close to getting incarcerated, so for me, the paranoia of all that totally escaped me.
am happy for you, but you might reflect on today of how, just a few states away, people who didn't want opiates for pain went to jail for life for possession of any amount of cannabis.
Maybe it's my age, but I just don't get it. What is it about cannabis that deserves a special day of celebration? It's just weed.
Yes. Your body has an endocannabinoid receptor system for a reason and each cannabis strain plays a unique "tune" on that system. Want proof? My blood pressure. I have HARD data in the computers that shows cannabis lowers my high blood pressure to the point where I don't have to take Micardis any more. Shortly after cannabis cessation, my BP goes back up into the bad range, then back down after I start vaping again. Throw in the anti nausea and pain relief qualities etc and this plant becomes more, to me at least, than just an intoxicant.All due respect and props lwien, IMO it's not just weed.