What are the effects of secondhand and how is the smell of vaporizing?


My boyfriend and I are going to be living together soon. He is a recovering alcoholic and is very concerned about any lapse in his sobriety triggering a relapse to his addiction, and besides, weed tends to make him kind of skittish and even panicky apparently.

I smoke at least a couple bowls a night to help me sleep, since I have insomnia. Pretty often I smoke more. He is cool with this, but my boyfriend has expressed interest in helping me afford a vaporizer. Being a daily user, there's likely a health benefit, but two of the most prominent issues that we don't really know much about ourselves is, what is the secondhand of vaporizing like? Can you get high off of being in the same room, especially if that room is kind of small, of someone using a vaporizer? And how is the smell? We plan to move into an apartment. How much do I have to worry about someone smelling it if, say, I vaped in a bedroom that was fairly far away from the door to the hallway without stuffing the door with towels and other such shenanigans?

And one last question, I hear that vaporizing is more potent than smoking, and that you can get more out of less of your stash, is that true? I've occasionally heard it argued that it's not really better, just different.


Cloud Master
Vaporizing is indeed more efficient than smoking, so yeah you'll prolly end up consuming less herb over time. Vape is way more stealth than smoke, if you keep the room quite ventilated, or scented with some essence is almost impossible to tell that someone has vaped in it after 10-15 min max. Smell is quite different too, so it's also harder to recognize it. Secondhand vape is also stoning, well I think not very much if not gathered in a bag for secondhand toke. If you don't puff right in his face there won't be problems, very more enjoyable than the harshness of smoke. Your lungs will thank you.

Welcome on FC! :peace:


vapor accessory addict
Welcome to FC Anonymous. I'm glad to hear that you're thinking of switching to vapor.

The smell of vaping is much less noticeable than when combusting. The effect is also different. You will not feel that "couch lock" type of stoney feeling; rather a more clear, cerebral high. It takes a while to get used to the difference. If you are using herb for sleep, you will probably want to look into the vapes that give a higher heat. If conservation is also important to you, there are a couple of vapes that can help with that too. And, if you are like the majority of us here, you will find that you will probably eventually own more than one vape. :lol:

But I must be honest. While some find that their herb consumption goes way down, I find I use just as much herb now as I did when I combusted.

My advice would be to jump feet first into the Vaporizer Discussion forum. There you will find reviews, opinions and advice on how to use all of the vaporizers out there. Once you narrow it down to a couple, ask some questions and I'm sure you will find the perfect vape for you. Good luck!


I've done a little looking around, not a whole lot, but so far I've been interested in a purple days. We don't have a whole lot of money to be throwing around and would like to get the best bang for our buck. And I think the purple days is actually kind of pretty.

Oh, also, how important is it that I have a grinder? Currently I break it apart with my hands, but I'm under the impression that it needs to be somewhat fine to vaporize efficiently. And thanks for the welcome by the way :)


Revolting Peasant
A grinder is pretty important, but it needn't cost you much. You could pick up a very cheap plastic one that will do the job perfectly adequately for just a couple of /$/
Purple days is a nice vape. It's fixed temp though and I'd probably not recommend it for a very heavy user, but I think in your situation for a couple of tubes before bed it wouldn't be a bad choice. I find vapor helps me sleep no matter what strain or temperature, although it's true that higher temp can be perhaps more 'sleepy'.

Edt; if your looking for a cheap intro to vapor I'd recommend maybe looking at a Vapor Genie. It takes a little bit more learning to use, but with this you can still experience the higher temperature vapors. A good start to finding out what you like from a vaporiser


Head of Pot
Anonymous said:
I've done a little looking around, not a whole lot, but so far I've been interested in a purple days. We don't have a whole lot of money to be throwing around and would like to get the best bang for our buck. And I think the purple days is actually kind of pretty.

Oh, also, how important is it that I have a grinder? Currently I break it apart with my hands, but I'm under the impression that it needs to be somewhat fine to vaporize efficiently. And thanks for the welcome by the way :)

Very important to grind your herb up well. Think of it this way, the more surface area of the herb exposed, the better the vaporization. Some vapes require a finer grind than others. Small 2pc grinders tend to do a better job than larger 4pc ones IMO

The MFLB has one of the lightest smells in all of vaporland


vapor accessory addict
I was going to refrain from recommending any particular vape at this time, but yes, the MFLB was actually the vape I would have recommended first; for the smell, the portability, and with the PA, the ability to reach variable temps. However, the log vapes are great options too. Be sure to also check out the Myrtlezap if you are looking for pretty wood. Rick makes some beauties, and with the new stainless heat exchanger, it will run plenty hot. There's also the Toasty Top if you are looking for something a little more "artsy."

But do your homework! Only you can decide what's best for you.


Welcome to FC, and great questions.

I haven't read the replies so i apologize for any redundancy.

Vaping is more conservative than smoking because when you ignite the weed you burn up a bunch of thc so that it becomes destroyed way before it ever gets a chance to get inside you. When you vaporize the lower temperature prevents such destruction of the active ingredients.

The high is different because you are used to to inhaling all the carcinogens, tar, CO and CO2 etc. these things pack a punch too and you will find that part of the high missing at first. but I assure you it's better this way. you can vape in the day and not get burned out as easily. (depends on the strain i guess)

the smell is more like baked goods . have you ever made weed butter? It smells kind of like that. also the smell doesn't linger.

about hot boxing your room, sometimes yes sometimes no. depends on the vaporizer you go with. If you are exhaling visible vapor. that could get someone high. I used to blow 2nd hand tokes to my gf all the time. and she totally got baked this way. Some vaporizers vape more material in one go than others, and as a result when you hit a heavy machine you will exhale more vapor. others produce much smaller streams of vapor and as a result sometimes you look like you exhale nothing. I wouldn't be too worried about it if you are not directly giving him your exhale. just into the room will probably be fine!

hope that helps!
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