FC member
Yes why?So, why don`t FC just host the pictures like most other forums already do?
I just cant be bothered to post pics on FC.
Hard enough to put words on the screen without magnifiers etc.
Yes why?So, why don`t FC just host the pictures like most other forums already do?
This may have been a relevant excuse when the forum first started, surely not a proper excuse nowadays, for fuck`s sake it is nearly 2020.didn't wanna deal with the traffic or storage space
Replies have said the administrator is the only person can fix the Imgur problem, nothing has been said why we can`t just upload directly.As has already been said, repeatedly, in multiple threads.
The forum admin is the only one who can do that
there's ways to embed stuff in uploaded images and have them run as PHP on the server, maybe XSS vulnerabilities, but there's ways to avoid that. Anything can be made with security holes if you're not careful enoughallowing uploads is a bad idea. makes it to easy for script kiddies to hack the site
The forum admin is the only one who can do that. He is not currently active. So it can't be done.
That does open another option. If someone or a group of someones wanted to take over this forum, they could buy some space and time from you and a valid copy of Xenforo. Then, all then need is a backup of this site and they could move the forum. They would still need access to the server's cpanel to re-direct the name to the new server.
It is definitely a puzzle. But, not an unsolvable one. Access to the server cpanel would be pretty cool. That would certainly open a few new opportunities. LOL
It occurs to me that perhaps the "fix" I mentioned will only work on the "fixers" pc.
To test this, can I get a quick survey of who can/can't see Cyberguy's cat in this post? Thanks in advance.
Wow mate. You know, if you like cat pictures that much, you should check out this site sometime https://icanhas.cheezburger.com/lolcats
@PoopMachine I'll see your, "since the 90's" and raise you a dial-up BBS running Wildcat from Mustang Software. LMAO
That's fucking scary to even think that far back. LOL I hosted my first board in 1986. I can't even remember that far back. Dial-up? OMG, we have come so far, haven't we? I can remember watching screens paint left to right. LOL
One thing about the computer hobby, it's always something new.
So, I'm sure you can help. You are obviously knowledgeable. And, I saw some other posts from peeps who were obviously not new to a keyboard. This forum is running 1.5.13. I didn't see any exploits for this version. I tap the admincp every now and then with a new password attempt but without knowing vtag, I'm shooting blind. Anyone know the name of vtac's pets? Children's names? LOL j/k
Unfortunately, the domain info is under WhoisGuard, Inc. so there's nothing there. You might contact the abuse support but you might get a ball rolling that we can't stop. Call them in Panama? LOL There is an encrypted email address but I'm not sure if it simply goes to whoisguard or if it's forwarded to vtac. It is listed for tech contact so it's worth a try.@![]()
Sooner or later the big bomb is going to drop. Something should probably be done, or at least attempted before then. After the bomb drops, all you can do is pick up the pieces. Been there done that for sure. LMAO
Oh, you want pissing contest? I was running two BBS systems in 1983, one using TBBS (TRS-80)
I ran the Firefox script add-on and as I mentioned earlier, I SEE THE CAT!!!
We know how to contact vtac. Right now, he is not responding.