Hey everyone, long-time lurker here, finally joining up for real, and I thought I'd debut with some gear shots ... and a way-too-long post

As for myself, I am a nearing-retirement male living in Oregon. I dabbled a bit with cannabis back in my youth, then took a 25+ year break for career and kids, getting back in a bit before legalization. With legalization (in WA and then here in Oregon) the situation improved dramatically, and I found my way into the vaping world via this board and places like reddit/r/vaporents. On the other hand, I am not "out" with friends or family, and I don't really know anyone who uses (or at least who admits it). During the days of lax tolerance, it was pretty tough for me to find a connection (in geezer voice: "Excuse me, stranger: you know where I could get some o' them maree-ju-wannas around here?"

). So legalization and the vaping community (especially here on FC) have been real lifesavers for me. (As you'll see below, I've become incredibly spoiled relative to those first years back.)
On to the gear shots!
The first shot is my collection of six vapes, most of which you'll likely recognize: MFLB, EpicVape E-Nano, RBT Milaana (1.5 roughly?), Sticky Brick Jr., and the Lotus. The odd one out (i.e. not seen as much around here) is a Sun Token, which works on solar power via a magnifying glass (I admit, I have yet to really master it

The second shot shows off my daily drivers (mainly the Nano, also the Lotus and Milaana) along with some accessories and other "kit". I've made an effort to go for a classy look, mostly cherry wood and black accents. If it looks like I've gone a bit overboard with that, I'm probably just over-compensating: not being "out" as a vaper or user, nobody but me ever sees my collection ... until now

. And aside from the vapes proper (and the BCG and water pieces), most of it is pretty cheap, lots of Dollar Tree and thrift store stuff, just selected and assembled with some care.
(Technically, a few dispensary folks have also seen these pics recently: it was their positive reactions that finally encouraged me to de-lurk. Most of these people are interested in vaping, but don't know much about it—I've passed on links to FC in the hopes of helping them get more informed.)
The wood boxes and small black cases in the next few shots are my own little storage system: I call it Cannabis a la Carte™. I keep a whole lot of strains available, all at once, purchased in one-gram quantities and stored in borosilicate glass vials. The bigger vials (in the wood cases) are my un-ground stores; the smaller vials (in re-purposed black eyeglass cases) hold pre-ground strains. The smallest vials are 5/8 dram, about the size of the last joint of my pinky finger: that's around 5 to 7 Nano doses for me, at about 1/30th of a gram per dose (i.e. roughly 0.03 grams).
Yeah, I know: some people reading are probably clutching their pearls right about now over the "pre-ground" bit. But these small, air-tight vials keep things very fresh, even for long periods. And I
really like having 30+ strains to choose from, at my fingertips throughout the day, all ready to go in seconds. (I keep my Nano on and at my desk pretty much all the time, except a couple of times a year when I'm gone for vacations.) I'm especially fond of doing "head-to-head" comparisons of similar or disparate strains, alternating between Nano stems to compare and contrast the flavors. (As I said above, I've become very spoiled

To be frank, keeping track of all those strains requires some effort at inventory management: this final screenshot shows a little interface I've used to track my stores. It also shows off my (old-style) Leafly-inspired labeling system a bit better than the over-exposed outdoor photos do (yeah, I know: I'm not too good with a camera yet

). The vial pics and screenshot are from summer 2018, by the way, so a bit out-of-date (whoops).
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy the pics, and thanks to everyone here on FC for all kinds of info, advice, opinions, pics, etc., over the years, and especially the board staff and moderators

. And also to all the artisans and manufacturers, accessory makers, and retailers who have helped me build my collection

. And not to forget all the local bud-tenders who have kept me in so many delicious strains, and Leafly for making exploring and shopping a breeze!

The larger community, and the vaping world it's revealed to me, have really made a huge positive difference in my life. I am starting to try and give back in my local community with some modest cannabis and vaporization evangelism efforts, and I hope to ramp that up a bunch in the near future.
Thanks again, for looking and reading, and for everything else!