Your vaporizer will do you just fine.Hey all , I'm new here and to vaping . I'm expecting my first vape on wed - FridayFriday and I'm curious to maximize it's potential, I got the one in my avatar, looking to learn as much as possible about this.. Is ceramic better then metal?
I find that this box type vaporizer can teach a person using it to become a very adept vaporist...
one that can vaporize intuitively rather than by the numbers or formula.
I own a half dozen of these boxes, but they are all out in the community as loaners.. so I had to draw a picture.
My hints are as follows:
I do not ever pay attention to the temperature readout.. that vary widely and are not measuring heat at the "point of herb"...
So for my description I will pretend that my thermostat has NO function, but does get a bit hotter at the top of the range.
I turn the unit to the 400º( about at top)
I am going to vaporize with the heat going DOWNWARD to prevent combusting... if my thermostat is not helpful..
I will keep the wand and the contents as upright as possible... heat rises, and I would rather draw my heat down through my herb .. if my only alternative is potential combustion.
OK so heat is now on...
I keep the back end of my Hotbox on an upside down tupperware.. or desert dish.. it makes the element at a 45 º angle so to start with, the weed never has to aim downward.
As I approach the box with the wand..In a smooth well practiced move....
I hold wand upright and begin my inhalation(slowly... save space in lungs)...while doing this weed is frozen in place, and I am moving it toward the box, and as I slip the wand in place, still holding wand, I use two fingers to tilt box so the wand is slightly upright... I inhale deeply, and at end of inhalation, I
tilt the box back and set it on that dish, remove the wand and clear the whip with the last of my inhalation.

In these images, I forgot the table.
All legs are on the table in picture 1.
In 2, 3 and 4 the the front two legs are on the table...
I know it looks as though in picture 3 I am lifting the unit... but that is not the case..
I am leaning it on it's front pegs.
If your particular "Box" has a peculiarly low profile you may have to be near the edge of desk/table...
but vaping with a box is easiest near the edge anyway!
About "better".
There may be a more easy experience..and a more flavorful experience.
Depending on your budget, you will most likely explore more down the road.
Learning to appreciate a Hot Box vape... is a good teacher.
When you do move on you will be very experienced..
PLEASE do not misinterpret my words as to mean that you should be dissatisfied.... you should not.
Vaping is vaping.. but one day when your box fails to serve its same function ...
or when you are in such a position ... you may decide to try other vapes that you read about here on FC!
Oh.... Welcome to FC!