Meow! Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Thought it might be time to start jumping in, though we'll see how active I am.
I'm a 29 year old student in California. I did community college for awhile, dropped out, worked in tech for awhile, and am back in school, taking things a lot more seriously. I'm an MMJ patient now for anxiety, joint pain, and bipolar depression, amongst other reasons. I've been on tons of different antidepressants over the years, and the only one that worked well for me was Welbutrin, but I don't have medical insurance now. I was primarily on SSRIs for a long time and those caused me lots of problems. I've found that MMJ helps me out a lot if I use it carefully, especially when I can come by high CBD varieties. I'm currently using a Vapor Genie, and despite the learning curve it gets the job done. I wanna upgrade to something better when I have the money, so I'm always on here checking out what's recommended.
I like cats, listening to music, cats, writing shitty music, cats, computers, cats, anime, cats, and also cats. Meow! Right now in school I'm focusing on a bunch of GE so I can transfer into a Computer Science program, but my real long term goal is to get a Masters in Information Science / Librarianining. I don't really know why, but it blows my mind that even before computers, librarians could effectively organize such huge amounts of information into something tangible and indexable. I'm not 100% sure where I want to go with it, but I would like to do cataloging and research into other methods of indexing and searching data. So very exciting, right?

Also, I've been a unix sysadmin and database programmer. Yay being a nerd!
Now it's off to the music section to try posting some Acid Mothers Temple. Nice to meet everyone!