Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!


Well-Known Member
happydays said:
I took "happydays" because thats what they called me when I first got high.
It was 1974 and I was a dead ringer for Ron Howard.
I had a job at Mickidees, so a short haircut, with rockstar buddies.....

The 70's rocked, .........................

I can't rememember what I was talinkg about......
The question is, do you look like Ron Howard now. ;)

Welcome, and I agree. The early 70's rocked, but then came Disco. Blech.................


Well-Known Member

I don't have a mullet, but I have donated my hair to Locks Of Love three times.

I have lotsa head hair, not much facial.

Clever User name

The eyes have one language everywhere
Hey fuckcombustion.com members, guess you wondering who I am. Or you

just read everything on this site to make sure it is all filed correctly and worded

to your satisfaction. Great reference keeping at it's best!

I have been using cannabis for 15 years-vaping it the past 5 years of that. It

was a hard change over for me. I love to roll big fat TEXAS size joints, grape

blunts, multiple cherried party joints, and really extra long ones too.Love to use

classy glass pipes in the bathtub, get shotguns from hot guys. Favorite is to ride

around the back roads of east Texas; with the windows down on my truck,

music blaring, smoking one- dreaming of everything. I like the act of getting

high the tangible smoke melting into my hands, hair, the smells I remember from


oh! your still here? As i was saying very hard change over.

At work one day my friend brought this nice wooden box and said we can get

high with it and have no bad side effects with hardly any smell. I said
great let's do it.....at work, and we did. I got one just like his that night on the

way home. A Vapor Brothers vaporizer, and the angels sung. aaaaaahhhhhhh
my goodness this tastes wonderful! like the stuff your buddy grew in college.

but ,it wasn't, it's the stuff Pedro brought over in his gas tank. I went from using

over a pound a month to using less than 1/2 lb a month, and no matter what the

quality, the vaporizer brought out the best flavors and highs I had ever

experienced. I have had two vapor brothers units that were rebuilt buy VB, got

a California vapor co, while i was waiting. Used them in the car with the power

converter, too. Now i have the iolite, which is much more incognito than my

travel vape rig before.Although it did live in a very nice leather tooled bag that

matches my purse and luggage. I never knew anything different, Until last

December 15th, I used a Zephyr Ion Vaporizer. It has revamped the time it

takes to achieve the dosage I require. I have turned some of my friends

around who were against using my whip vaporizers all these years to liking the

bag type vaporizing.

I like to ride my bicycle with my friends in organized and non supported rides.

They are all seeing the effects of vaping in our training. We all had the hacking

coughs in the morning, the labored breathing in the evening after smoking all

day, both have been dramatically reduced. I work on a tree farm and am

isolated in off seasons. Sometimes I work so much I don't get any sleep and

sometimes I have all the time in the world. Perfect for taking my vape out in the

woods to look for the answers. I joined this site to because they always told

me that I was not alone.
Clever User name,


Well-Known Member
Hi all im Dub. Because kind of like Dime Bag I always got a Dub sac :ko: Literally stumbled upon this site looking for AVB recipes and fell in love... Seems like a great place with LOTS and LOTS of great people and info.

Anyways, been smoking for 8 of my soon to be 20 years and vaping for 2. Live in Texas and grew up in a boring suburban city. I like music. Oh yeah and my cannabis :D Really cant wait to read more and get into this forum. BTW I never join these things but this place has a great vibe :cool:

:peace: One Love


Well-Known Member
I suppose I just intro myself as well...been lurking for a few months after my brother showed me this site. (and gave me a great deal on his Cherry PD :D)

I'm 25, and live in the freakishly cold upper great plains of the US. I'm a music performance major, primary instrument being 'cello, secondary being bass (also play guitar in a couple local groups, just for fun.) I've smoked for about 7 years, started vaping this past summer, and went vape-only back in October...favorite glass piece broke and decided not to spend any more cash on those. Pretty sure my PD will last the long haul. I like to travel quite a bit, and go to all sorts of concerts....rock, classical, indie, progressive, pretty much anything.

Picking up a VaporGenie next week when I visit the Denver/Boulder area (going to see The Antlers play), and crafting a Hakko DIY jobber for when more people stop by and I don't want to share my PD :p

Anything else?

Great site!

EDIT: Also, I'm working my way all the way through the PD Experience thread. I've read a lot of it, but I'm sure there's more info in there then what's been moved to the "tips and tricks" thread. Only 108 pages left! Woot!


Well-Known Member
hello everyone, i'm no1_2talk2....just to clarify, thats no one not #1...i'm not conceded :) i live in central arkansas and i long for my state to pass a law to allow the use of medical MJ!! i was injured in an industrial accident that fractured 3 vertebrae and hernieated 2 disks along with striated rips in my abdominal wall. i've been lined with mesh and the fractures have healed but it has left me w/ chronic pain, DDD, and arthritis is invading my whole body...the accident happened about 10 yrs ago and for the past 8 yrs i have been on a pain management contract w/an addiction medicine doctor...at present i take 40mg oxycontin 3x a day, i take a 15mg oxycodone inbetween my doses of oxycontin. i am on 10mg valium 4x a day, 20mg flexiril as needed, i also take 600 mg of seroquel at bedtime along w/ 50mg of atenalol to control my heart rate...when i wake in the mornings i take 20mg lisinopril for my blood pressure w/ my 1st oxycontin & valium of the day..i have .3mg clonidine i take as needed if my blood pressure meds dont keep my pressure down. i have 25mg promethazine in case i get sick to my stomach from such a heavy drug load!

i was using MJ to help w/ my problems and it worked wonders..i could get by w/o almost 1/2 my oxy's & valium, but my painmanagement doc surprised me w/ a pee test that came back dirty for MJ & i got a firm talking to and was told if it happened again he would have to let me go, so i had to quit smoking and went back on my meds full strength full time..that led up to me landing in the CCU of my local hospital for 2 weeks w/ full renal/kidney failure last month..they couldnt find anything wrong w/me and flushed me out real good w/ IV's while giving me morphine, if i had the money to move to a state that allows me to use MJ as medicine, i would go i a heart beat b/c all these meds are slowly killing me and i'm only 37!

my painmanagement doc told me he had no problem w/ the MJ if it helped, but he said its illegal here and if i pee'd dirty again he would have to let me go b/c it could cost him his license. i have been trying to get the courage up to ask him to put me on dronibanol so that i would pee w/thc in my blood and w/ a medicine that would show that thc positive i could start smoking again w/o risking my contract or his license, but he is a real hardnosed person to talk to & i'm scared to just outright ask him for another pill!... i thought maybe telling him that when i have to take the promethazine that i get constipated to the point i have vaso-vagel reactions trying to use the bathroom, which isn't a lie and is documented & see if i could be taken off the promethizine and placed on the dronabinol, but what little i have talked to him about it, he acts as if the dronabinol is worse than my oxycontin..which is basically a pill form of heroin! i just don't understand it!

i dont know what to do, i have my bad days & i have my good days, but when i was smoking MJ i was always upbeat and able to do stuff, with the drugs i take now, my mind stays so cloudy i can't do much, i am on total disability & some days i feel like i welcome death! but i cant do that to myself b/c i know it would crush my family, but at the same time i just wonder how far off it is b/c of the heavy drug load i take daily. it makes me so mad that they won't let me take something less harmful and more benificial & makes me feel better than a heavier narcotic...i agree fuck combustion, but also believe fuck big pharma.

thats my rant, sorry if i got to personal, i just wanted you all to know where i stand in life right now!
well that sums it up for me i guess, i can't do any of the physical type things i like anymore, like skydiving or riding dirt bikes, or something as simple as riding a roller coaster w/ my daughter! i just wanted it all out on the table in case someone has been down this road and has advice!


Combustion free since '09
Hi No1... Welcome to FC!

I'm very sorry to hear about your accident and the troubles you've been left with since. I've lost more than a few friends to drugs like oxy, it's sad that they'd keep you off MJ but give you enough oxys to kill a horse. I've helped some folks get off that crap though I know some really do need it for pain. You're really between a rock and a hard place. I'm very sorry to hear it!

I too wish your state would make MMJ legal so you'd be able to reduce your dependence on the heavier drugs.

Off the top of my head I wonder if they would offer a prescription for marinol to stimulate your appetite or something like that to allow THC to show up in your tests. Damn, there must be some forums or groups that deal with this. Stay strong, keep your chin up and I will be hoping something comes your way to solve your dilemma.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the greeting lo...marinol is the brand name and dronibinol is its generic...my insurance will pay for the generic but not marinol...it is prescribed for nausea also.as well as an appetite drug..its alot like real MJ in that it has alot of different uses..i just don't know how to go about asking my doc for it..should i be straight up and tell him i want it to cover my tracks & protect him & me as i use real MJ & try to get off the harder meds or should i ask for it as if i want it for nausea instead of promethizine b/c it constipates me, which leads to bad abdominal pain...both are the truth. either way if i was to get caught w/MJ it would have legal repercussions...

i wish they would just pass a federal law allowing its use in all 50 states! i dont understand it either., why they feel that the harder drugs are ok b/c the fda has tested them and MJ is still illegal when recent studies has shown time and time again that MJ is a viable drug. 1 that i couldn't OD on but give me enuff narcotics to kill a horse as you stated..big pharma gives alot of money to our government and they have a system set up to produce those large incomes ..where as if they legalized MJ they would lose money, not only from big pharma but also lose money they get from fines from people who get arrested for MJ..

and if it were legalized what would they do w/the 1000's of people who are in jail for breaking MJ laws..would they have to overturn their convictions? our government by the people for the people no longer exsists..it is run to benifit those who are in office! our government gets free health care when they can afford it themselves while people who can't afford it are turned away..our government has become very corrupt..so corrupt i don't believe it can be fixed!


Well-Known Member
Well, I think you hit the nail on the head, no1. Legalization at a federal level would be a sticky issue with the fallout from the failed "war" on drugs. When they made real crimes out of something harmless, they still ended up creating "real" criminals. Not exactly sure how that would work, as far as that goes. However, a large-scale decriminalization would end up working, if it were rolled out as a step by step gradual process. It would have to fall into something like the Netherlands have, an age limit, only 5g on your person, and designated 'green spots' - something akin to the glorious cafes. It's such a shame when people who could use an organic alternative to big business still can't, purely on decades-old propaganda. My mother would benefit greatly from MMJ, suffering from secondary progressive MS. (I've thought of smuggling a few brownies into the nursing home for her, she's an old hippie, she'd love it, however, I wouldn't love the jail time if caught).

Wars on nouns are a bad idea.



Out to lunch
We're getting off-topic here- this is for intros. It's not a discussion thread. ;)


Well-Known Member

I came to FC for information on what vape would be good for me before wasted money. It has been very helpful and I enjoy reading the posts. I bought a Vapor Bros and have a PD on the way. Thanks everyone


Combustion free since '09
Welcome to Ledados!! Sounds like you're off to a good start!


Well-Known Member
hey im from socal, and i smoke medical mj. ordered a pd, i like talking to old people, so i thought id register with this forum lol! im 25. also, i watch the pd availability thread like a hawk. look forward to conversing with yall.

my likes are snowboarding, surfing, chess, jane, lifting, and jerking off


Well-Known Member
icanreadgood said:
hey im from socal, and i smoke medical mj. ordered a pd, i like talking to old people, so i thought id register with this forum lol! im 25. also, i watch the pd availability thread like a hawk. look forward to conversing with yall.

my likes are snowboarding, surfing, chess, jane, lifting, and jerking off
But can you write? ;)

Welcome from a SoCal neighbor.


Combustion free since '09
LMAO!! Did you call us old dude?? Too funny! Welcome to FC, your intro made me chuckle!!

I think that's the first time I've heard 'yall' or ya'all from SoCal :D We hear that A LOT in the south!


Walt Brown
Hello Folks,

Not vaping yet. Doing my due diligence.

This forum is one of the best I've found.

We had another snowstorm last night; just a dusting so I don't get to use my snowblower.




Combustion free since '09
Hi Walt! Welcome to FC :D

Glad you're doing your research! E-cigs led me on the path to the vape, I hope they do the same for you!!


Well-Known Member
Acolyte of Zinglon said:
hi everyone! im the acolyte of zingon! im not exactly a new user, but i think it would be good for some of the core members to post intros and stuff so that new members can get to know us better

anyway, im 18, live in california, and im really awesome :cool: :D

i first started smoking cannabis a couple weeks after my 17th birthday, i was invited to smoke by a friend from church some time before, but i didnt want to get into something like drugs before i knew what i was doing, so i spent a couple months reading erowid, wikipedia, and various drug forums and came to the conclusion that i had been lied to by the schools and the government (actually those are really only one entity :rolleyes: )

so i accepted the offer like 4 moths later, and went over to his house after church (my parents force me to go to church as long as i live with them... im still a christian but by my own definitions, im a gnostic christian) and he had hash.

needless to say... i smoked hash for my introduction to weed and i tripped the fuck out, it was awesome even though i acted like a total spaz :lol:
after that, i traded a bottle of vicodin (worthless to me) for an eigth of the best fucking bud i have ever had. im pretty sure this bud was from a medical marijuana dispensary... it ruined me or anything else, the two times ive bought weed since then were never completely satisfactory to me

which brings me to the next chapter of my story, just after 4/20, my parents found my stash :doh: i convinced them that i was using it medicinally, (mostly true) for my depression and anxiety issues (i have type 2 bipolar disorder and social anxiety) i promised them then that i wouldnt smoke until i actually got my med card for it (and i havent so far)

i have found that cannabis works much better for all my issues than any of the pharmaceuticals i was given, an had none of the side effects
i had been given ritalin at 6, then antidepressants at the age of 8. something i dont think ill ever fully forgive my parents for doing. they basically put me on addictive drugs to make me more manageable, i was a little kid, and i had no idea what i was doing other than i was told the pills would make me better.... fuck... i dont even remember feeling bad, i dont remember any depression symptoms from before i was put on the ssris...

anyway, with that rant out of the way, in may, after nearly 10 years, and countless attempts, i had finally gotten off the shitty and addictive ssris, i went through a full month of withdrawls (hellish) then for another month i had absolutely no libido... but i could finally feel again.
believe me... antidepressants dont cure depression, all they do is they flatten out all emotions, so that you dont feel depressed, but good emotions are dampered as well... this had caused me lots of trouble while i was growing up, and it stifled my emotional development

anyway, here i am now, i still dont have a vape, but i think ive proven that you dont need one to contribute to the community
im a very well read preson, i study things obsessively and and compulsively plan things that im looking forward to
that being said, sometime in november to early december im getting my card, and ill be getting a vaporstar as well, and ill start growing my own medicine, you gotta love self reliance!

while i still ride an emotional rollercoaster with my bipolar disorder, ive learned to deal with it for the most part, strong episodes will still set me off my equilibrium, but i know it will get better when i finally get my card
Good for you mate hope your well


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
i'm from the Netherlands, Maastricht to bee exact i'm 29yo today yeh!!
been smoking cannabis since i was 15 and smokin hardcore sind my 22 since i'm chronic i haven't had trouble sleeping
but had to start growin weed to keep up with my demand wich was skyrocketing
at a point i smoked about 10 gr a day all heavy indica's and over here we smoke with tobacco. idon't anymore

I started looking in to vaporizers a couple of years ago and almost bought a vapir2 glad i didn't
at a cannabis cup i tried a volcano and since then i wanted one so last month after talkin to a friend of mine who has a volvcano i stopped smokin with tobacco and deceided to get one so i wouldn't smoke even more weed and i love it i'm almost trippin every night :o i forgot how heavy this shit could bee

the only problem is the noise and the big capacity of the filling chamber so i wanted to get another vapo a silent one ordered one last week a vaporfection stealth jr digital and i'm looking in to gettin a LB (for on the road), a VHW and a PD


Out to lunch
Welcome Plant. :wave: I don't want to start a vape discussion in this thread (or section), but you may want to wait and check out the Vapexhale Cloud before purchasing the VHW. The Vapexhale unit has the same goal as the heat wand, but a different execution. Not sure how silent the Vaporfection will be either, since it uses fans. They do advertise quiet operation though.


Well-Known Member
he max yeah i already signed up for the updates at vapexhale cloud since i didn't know what kind of a vape it's going to be
i didn't put it on my want list yet:brow:

Lord Vapor

Well-Known Member
Greetings FC'rs. Lord Vapor here, coming to you from Oaksterdam, California where I am a cannabis patient, caregiver, and of course a vape enthusiast.

My iolite goes with me everywhere. Buddha at home.

Anyway, glad to be here.

Lord Vapor,


Rock the Casbah
Lord Vapor said:
Greetings FC'rs. Lord Vapor here, coming to you from Oaksterdam, California where I am a cannabis patient, caregiver, and of course a vape enthusiast.

My iolite goes with me everywhere. Buddha at home.

Anyway, glad to be here.

Lord Vapor.....RISE!


Well-Known Member
Lord Vapor said:
Greetings FC'rs. Lord Vapor here, coming to you from Oaksterdam, California where I am a cannabis patient, caregiver, and of course a vape enthusiast.

My iolite goes with me everywhere. Buddha at home.

Anyway, glad to be here.

Hey neighbor...............kinda. :)
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