A word of caution.
When reading about the usage of others, before getting all excited and jumping on a bandwagon check out that persons usage and style and see if it matches your usage and style.
For example, lets say a person who is severely ill, they are not likely to find pain relief using minuscule amounts. But lets say you are person who uses before bed, then perhaps using a smaller amount may work out for you but it is not the most common.
Vaping likely will allow you to gain more distance with your herb, for many but not all, but that does not necessarily equate to a savings in product as many people simply enjoy being a bit higher/quicker relief.
It is common that people find it irritating to deal with such small amounts when you use more than bowl, which I believe many if not most user of the PD and MZ tend to use.
Not everyone obtains less amount. I use about the same I did when I smoked and I get more than few emails on a regular basis asking me about why they do not achieve these miracle reductions from vaping. I basically say what I have written.
Now with all that said, if you are interested in true in vaporizing I suggest you look into information on how to get the most out of your stash rather than relying on the performance of a particular vaporizer.
In my view and personal situation I see it as this example:
Lets a family of 3 needs a toaster and is energy efficient in their thinking. They go to the store to buy a toaster and see 2 slot toaster and 4 slot toaster.
The 2 slot economy runs on less electricity and of course uses less bread and sure not everyone is going to want toast every time its in use. Potentially saving bread and electricity.
The 4 slot size toaster uses more electricity takes up more space and your more likely to make 4 pieces of toast when making b-fast for the family and risk having some go to waste using up extra bread.
On paper this looks like a pretty easy decision. They buy the 2 slot economy toaster mainly due to electricity cost (the energy saving sticker with monthly estimated costs helps). Happily they go home and for awhile the toaster is great.
Soon they realize they typically have to make toast twice as often as 2 slots just are not always enough. So it takes longer to prepare breakfast, especially if their guests. The electricity difference is mute due to the extra usage. Only a real issue when people are in a hurry, which is typical in the morning.
Now for a single person of 2 person a family and the 2 slot toaster is likely to be more ideal and without the irritants high "operational" efficiency can and typically does have. Make sure those models are what will fit into your style and needs not simply because you think you will magically achieve a physical savings.
For some this is no problem at all but others this will become an irritant and in my example I used toast and yes it is just general illustration and dont get all analytical on it lol.
I vape because of the health benefits over smoking, I like the feeling better and love the flavors. I spend some time here and write what I do to help people, specifically other fellow seriously ill people and for no other purpose. Take from what I write what you will. Happy Vaping!