Weed goes down the pipe challenge (technique)


Well-Known Member
Okay, heres something for all of you.

This is mainly for a whip vape setup, with a clean screen and a water pipe.
Fill in the smallest amount and vape it till crisp, add a little and vape and mix the material so that the older loads turn to a dust texture,
The bucket will never need to be refilled, as the dust from the fully vaped material goes down the pipe.

The technique may require playing with the tightness of the mesh (different types of screens)
and the weed must be very moist to begin with.
only mix when a previous load reaches light brown/and is 50% spent.
a high temp and controlled draw is required
the water pipe will let one draw faster by catching any dust
the tubing will require frequent cleaning and the material would still have potency because of course it is wasteful.
but the bucket will never need to be emptied and you will feel like it never ends because it constantly renews with a bit of new material
best sessions ever. the challenge is refill x amount of time. I'm not setting any number because for some it'll be 3 times, for others 20 it all depends on telerance, hit size, etc

this technique also works using a larger bong and it can be easier as you have more time to spot that vapor production is going down

The only issue is the screen may clog at some point


Well-Known Member
Ponce de Leon’s Vape of Eternal Fullness, I want it !
I stir therefore i am............................................................stoned immaculate
with apologies to Billy Shakespeare & Jim Morrison

to Vapurrize : what happened when you tried your own challenge?
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