Weed and Munchies.


Active Member
Im sure most ppl get the munchies. I actually know some ppl who can't eat while stoned - I wish I was 1 of them.

My question is, how does weed cause munchies and is there anyway to trick my brain to not get it? Maybe some kind of chemical I can eat via plants maybe that would satisfy the craving just as it begins?

Im getting fat man, and don't wana stop getting high but I also don't like eating our months supply of food in 2 or 3 days. Im hoping my vape would'nt have me sitting on the couch with 7 pizzas like joints do.

Anyone think it could be possible to counter the munchies....Ive tried eating before I smoke.Doesn't realy help that much.


Well-Known Member
When you get the munchies, drink. Like, water and tea...........grab a piece of fruit.

But if you totally lose control and have to munch on the bad stuff, empty some out in a bowl rather than eat from the carton or package. (sooooo easier said than done though :uhoh: )

Fuck, I wasn't hungry till I wrote this.


Active Member
When Im sober its all good but when high, my will power doesn't work for the entire duration of the high. I might be able to say no in the beginning but an hour in and I forget. I might just walk passed the frige and just take a look, then 15mins later, a whole block of cheese is gone together with a loaf of bread.

There must be some way to counter this.


Well-Known Member
I think weed actually decreases the amount of snacks I eat...(judging by the enormous amount of halfempty things around me, this is also because I like to go to the supermarket high tough)
this mostly has to do with the nature of my munchies, if I'm high I want sweet stuf(candy mostly), so if I have candy it's gone within a day or few days
but meanwhile the chips etc stays uneaten and keeps building up here
also my munchies aren't about quantity, more about quality, I think I can eat more snacks sober then high(after a while snacking I get a really full feeling and quit, sober it seems to take much longer to feel this, maybe this has also to do with the speed of eating, high I eat quicker so sooner full, sober I eat more slowly so it has some time to settle before the next bite comes)

but this could change, in the beginning(first few months I smoked weed) I would never get the munchies, then after a while I discovered it was great to eat some if I came home after a night of smoking, and this gradualkly evolved into munchies

edit: I think the biggest problem is the underestimation of the amount of food, I underestimate anount of food too when I'm high but since I've never been a big eater(I don't like feeling full so I just eat untill I'm not hungry anymore but never till I'm full, I also never fill my dinnerplate a second time) I stop in time
but if you're a bigger eater or like feeling full, or just don't feel full quick, then I think you have the biggest problems with munchies


well you asked but i know this is not the answer you want to hear,buy a bag of carrots,celery penut butter,fruit if you can get lots for free,i know all this cost money ,point is though you can gorge on watermelon ha,or penuts,celery,carrots,raisins,granola bars,seeds,i personlly recomend food for life,eziekle 911,it is biblical food and extremly healthy.these foods can be eaten all day and only provide energy ,nutrition,health,while lowering your wiht and cholestorol.find food you like,and is cheap or free,like something grown,and eat all day,peace



i posted some thoughts in there and it seemed the consensus at the time was that weed made you lose weight. haha, to each their own!

im not increasing by much since going green but i do get INTENSE cravings for food when stoned/baked and drinking tea wont quite cut it, its hard to explain to someone who does not experience this feeling and likely has some to do with me (my body biology/chemistry) and also a great amount to the various concentraions of cannibinoids/cannobinols in my specific strain.

the only thing i can suggest has been mentioned somewhat already, stock up on veggies you can eat raw and leave the pantry empty of the things that lend to weight gain. maybe get them every once in a while and dont stay stocked of them.

likely unless you change strains (or maybe not even then) you wont get rid of this feeling, ive been through 3 strains (all kind of similar, but its what i like) and they all have the same effect on me.


Vapeosaurus Rex
Basically, when I vape, my will power is taken away from me, I can't control what I eat (at a certain point). I will drive anywhere, spend any amount of $ to satisfy my munchies, and it has gotten me in trouble. I feel like with ganja, the munchies are the only obstacle I can't seem to overcome. Tips would be awesome.


for me, the *only* thing that works time and time again is to vape with a group (at least 2 or more id say)...and particularly a place without a food source such as in the woods or similar...but usually in a group i am distracted with conversation and such that my munchies are held at bay it seems.

thats not to say that in a group with food out i aint gonna snack, lol...i know i would.


Serial Vapist
I haven't gotten "the munchies" in a few years, however I have no appetite unless I'm medicated.


Unconscious Objector
Sometimes, and I do mean *sometimes* if I vape before eating, I won't get the munchies (well, the meal is the munchie). Trouble is I'm not as high as I was before eating, which is okay if I'm using specifically for arthritis.

However, if I vape affter eating, then it's as if I've never eaten at all.

I don't have any solution other than to practice drinking lots of fluid (sigh, beer doesn't count) and have small bit sized veggies on hand.



warren79 said:
My question is, how does weed cause munchies and is there anyway to trick my brain to not get it? Maybe some kind of chemical I can eat via plants maybe that would satisfy the craving just as it begins?

I remember reading this a while back on the THC wikipedia page, thinking it at least sounded reasonable enough considering the latest research, and then also heard the same theory proffered on a recent BBC documentary on Marijuana

From wiki: "The mechanism for [cannabis-induced] appetite stimulation in subjects is believed to result from activity in the gastro-hypothalamic axis. CB1 activity in the hunger centers in the hypothalamus increases the palatability of food when levels of a hunger hormone ghrelin increase prior to consuming a meal. After chyme is passed into the duodenum, signaling hormones such as cholecystokinin and leptin are released, causing reduction in gastric emptying and transmission of satiety signals to the hypothalamus. Cannabinoid activity is reduced through the satiety signals induced by leptin release."

See more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabinol#Pharmacology

That is perhaps one answer for what causes the munchies, but as to your question of tricking the brain into not getting it? Perhaps figure out how to stop those particular hormones being passed to your brain, or find out if there's a food/substance which releases hormones that cause the opposite?

A friend of mine who used to have a stomach problem was prescribed these pills which basically made him feel like he'd just had a full meal somehow, not sure how they worked or suggesting this as a remedy but it's a related topic at least!


tdavie said:
*sometimes* if I vape before eating, I won't get the munchies


However, if I vape affter eating, then it's as if I've never eaten at all.

very interesting, i have never vaped on an empty stomach that i can remember...i usually eat up well thinking i might beat it finally...last night i ate a large meal on purpose, literally felt heavier and was like "no way am i snacking after i get high" well, the feeling of being heavier (stomach pressure i guess) went away about 15 mins into my session. sigh. i was like, wtf. self control lecture me all you want, its similar to removing your hand from a hot stove, you just gotta...its almost like a knee jerk reaction, call it snack jerk reaction.

i will try an empty stomach or close to it next time, appreciate the suggestion. :peace:


Unconscious Objector
Crawdad, I will add that if I vape on an empty stomach (as in no breakfast, no lunch, and vaping before dinner), I can get ungodly horrible stomach pains that only go away with the immediate consumption of food.

Ex; on a Friday evening. I vaped at 5:45pm after not having eaten since Thursday night. Figured I was okay until the fish came off the barbque. Very wrong. Stomach pains felt like steel wool inside my stomach, so I grabbed some chocolate ice cream and solved my problem. Needless to say I forgot why I was eating ice cream, and ruined my appetite (until I revaped later).



Well-Known Member
well that doesn't surprise me much I would already get horrible stomache cramps from not eating breakfast and lunch without also being high
these cramps are very common fior me tough, that's the way I know I'm hungry, I get a hurting stomach almost every morning and then I have to quickly drink some water to surpress it for a moment so I have time to make breakfast


On a Permanent Vakation
djonkoman said:
well that doesn't surprise me much I would already get horrible stomache cramps from not eating breakfast and lunch without also being high
these cramps are very common fior me tough, that's the way I know I'm hungry, I get a hurting stomach almost every morning and then I have to quickly drink some water to surpress it for a moment so I have time to make breakfast


I smoke(Vape) because of eating problems, and my stomach hurts bad whem i don't eat....that being said, if i Vape on top of not eating, it seems like it speeds the process up and my stomach kills until i eat....and I usually can't stomach much but bread or crackers...


Well-Known Member
well I don't have any eating problems, but a hurting stomach is just my way of feeling hungry


Well-Known Member
I have problems eating, that I wont go into right now, but I will say this.

When I was new to using herb, I had the munchies a lot, and it was helping me gain weight, so I realized this and its at that point that you need to be serious with yourself about making a change(if its causing problems, like over weight gain).

First, never forget to stay hydrated during and after vaping! Sometimes, people even confuse hunger for thirst(for instance, if you know you just ate, but are still feeling cravings for food, drink a nice glass of cold water).

And stock up on healthy snacks that you like!! The best way is also to avoid buying the junk food in the first place.

also try to distract yourself with something more entertaining while high so you are not just sitting there and visualizing food in your head :lol:


done all those things, like i said in the other thread i keep it mostly under control but its *always* there...its almost like someone saying smoke some weed but dont let yourself get high...the chemical reactions in the brain are not something you can fool, trick or offer a distraction from in simple form...least wise not for me.

my main issue at this point is not weight gain but instead i have this craving and id rather not have it interrupting my meditation, zoning out, freaky sex, etc...ya know? :lol:

for those who are really piling on the weight and cant seem to stop, the various tricks are needed id agree...but id like to figure out some natural way of staving off the severe munchies altogether as at time it IS a distraction of its own.


Well-Known Member
I also vape after I eat.

On top of what others have already said, consider trying to eat things that encourage slower eating.

String cheese, for example. Pistachios and walnuts that are still in their shells. Things like that.


Vapeosaurus Rex
Guys, just found a great food ALTERNATIVE to normal munchie shit food

KALE CHIPS! Delicious, full of vitamins, protein, and just plain amazing


Found these at a health store, you can get them cheesy (cashew cheese), or with lime and chile. So good! You can even make them yourself in the oven or with a dehydrator <3


love kale chips, i make them all the time. i eat healthy almost all the time, but when balazed...its just strange, i'll leave it at that.


Vapeosaurus Rex
crawdad said:
love kale chips, i make them all the time. i eat healthy almost all the time, but when balazed...its just strange, i'll leave it at that.

Yeah I am actually the same, I want to eat SHIT when i'm blazed haha.

Actually, I just realized something, it doesn't matter WHAT I am eating, it is HOW MUCH I am eating. When blazed, I will eat OBSCENE portions, of ANYTHING
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