sorry for the late feedback guys. I have it here since a while, but had to talk to the manufacturer first, before I share my first impressions here. There was a funky smell coming from my unit, which wasn't the typical robotfart smell. Now, I've found out they have tested my unit before with a real cigarette inside, as already expected.
That explains the smell very well, as I have experienced the same with the herbstick before.
The herb chamber is sealed from the electronics, which is very positive, but as
@Raistlin already mentioned, the bottom of the herb chamber is made of plastic and I'm really not comfortable with having any plastic parts where the heat comes from. This is a no-go, although the plastic plug doesn't seem to get hot at least. However, I will try to modify my unit and put a screen inside the bottom and pull out the plug entirely. If that works, the C-Vapor could be a fine vaporizer, since it is very small (almost the goboof alfa size). They definitely have the potential to build a good vape with the right knowledge, but this one was obviously build for real cigarettes and not for loose leafs.