niccceeeee Monsieur tac. There are some good ones there, for sure. I personally like "Applied Psychrometrics", maybe even the most out of that whole list...perhaps it sounds pretentious to some, but it's perfectly accurate in my mind, and it not only piques the interest but then forces people to go out and do some research of their own (because I do seriously doubt that psychrometrics or psychrometry are in most people's vocabularies). Hopefully that fact might foster more serious interest and questing for accurate knowledge in certain pre-disposed individuals, and perhaps we could therefore show our stated group intentions of striving towards a more complete understanding of vaporization and it's subtle techniques and strategies. It denotes exactly what we're doing (making sweet vapor), but also implies our empirical, experience based approach to understanding these things. Anyway, just an opinion. It has a seriously good ring to it too though.
Second choice would have to be "And Fuck You". One of my friends always signs his letters off with "GFY, Tony I" - the GFY standing for "Go Fuck Yourself", of course. No matter how many times I read it I always bust a nut laughing. Thankfully I seem to be able to regenerate nuts at a decent pace.
I also like "Where There's No Smoke..." as it is mostly appropriate at it ties in very well with the domain name, etcetera: it just has a natural feel. It's not 100% true though, not that it has to be. Just letting you know that I didn't make no promises, mama

. Always be a soft spot in my heart for a joint shared between friends. Just don't want to do it every damn day. Where would I be then without vapor?
Hahaha and although it would never work as a tag-line, this stands out as hands down the best snippet you could have pulled from the "recent" offerings here at FC.com:
"I'm surprised any of us can even communicate at all, given the mind set we are in most of the time when on here." - stickstones, you freaking crack me up brother! So true! The vapor, she works!! It's allliivvvvveeee!!!!! Not to mention high as shit, apparently.