steiner666 said:
as far as i can remember, they haven't done much to put their evil little plans into action, at least not enough to sway any states backwards in mmj progress... am i right?
Montana's MMJ law has been repealed, and "revamped"...and basically utterly broken and useless.
Providers can't "sell" to Patients... (thats like telling Pharma they can't charge for their pills...seriously, that would happen...)
Providers can now only have 4 flowering plants per Patient.
Providers can now only have 3 Patients, effectively a total of 12 plants.
Providers are now required to be finger printed ($), and have bg checks ($). (paid for by the Provider, no doubt)
Providers are req. to allow law enforcement access to their grow op at any time, w/o notice....
Patients now need evidence (xrays n the sort $$$) or two Dr. recommendations ($$$) in order to qualify.
So, why would a Provider spend the time/money/energy to build and power a grow op...for 12 plants and 3 Patients, for free?
And I know, thats exactly the idea behind it...
They thought they had an issue w/ illegal MMJ trade before...its going to enhance and reinforce this further IMO, so growers can break even at least? Or just move it all back underground, where it primarily exists anyway...great, really fixing a problem.
All because someone thought/feels/believes there are too many MMJ patients in the state.
Instead of going after the real criminals, murdering MMJ dispensary operators, they want to just brush it under the rug so that society doesn't have to see it, and it will happen to your kids instead. Genious. Marijuana doesn't cause crime, people do. Do we not understand this yet?
Any current Provider who doesn't sign up (or is unable to, due to bg check reasons) to be a "new" Provider is required to give their product (Cannabis) and growing equipment to the Authorities. Yep, give away, thousands of $ in equip and product...
Here comes the Black Market all over again, good game...and I spose thats ultimately what big gov wants anyway, so they can recreate a criminal population.
The kicker of all this is, there was no vote nor even a Governor's signature required to get this Bill (repeal) pushed through. It just showed up and happened.
Everyone touts that each citizens vote/voice makes a difference and brings long as someone w/ more $ and power doesn't have anything against the People's voice, sure.
I understand that MMJ implementation has its flaws, honestly..but thats primarily due to its prohibition and demonization. And it will never be as it should until that issue is resolved.
Legalize my friends, for the good of our nation, for the good of our world.
Not even your MMJ patients can feel comfy, cozy, and untouchable any more with this kinda stuff going on.
Wow, apparently I needed to rant a bit.... </rant>