Wait, is Chlorophyll healthy?


Well-Known Member
I always hear about how smoking weed you get all sorts of carcinogens like Chlorophyll and what not. But when I look up Chlorophyll all I find is that its a healthy nutrient, they even have chlorophyll tablets. Chlorophyll is what plant matter is made out of, not just weed but most plants, its the green vegetable matter. So I'm confused, is vaping or smoking this Chlorophyll good or bad? And why is it known that Chlorophyll leaves the longer you cure the bud, I dont see the plant matter going anywhere? Are there two kinds of Clorophyll I'm mixing up here?


Apprentice Daydreamer
I don't think I'm vaping chlorophyll. My condensed vapor is not green. I think it is more likely to get destroyed by vaping temperature.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I've heard Chlorophyll is toxic to some people.. (those who are eating seldom veggies..,like meat is to raw vegans..) Their stomach is not accustomed to digest raw food which contains much chlorophyll .. If you are a raw veggan or eating much much veggies .. it is a must to eat a proper amount of fibers in order to digest well.. I've heard that too instant switching from daily meat eater/little to no veggies consumer.. to a rich in chlorophyll diet can result in poor digestion and peptic disorder..
Any way to the topic of vaping chlorophyll .. Drying,water curing,decarbing, All that is done to get rid of the chlorophyll .. which taste nasty when burned.. I can imagine even that some Cl is getting in our lungs.. which malice i can compare to vapebonging with tap water with high chlorine lvl's..
I don't know at what temp chlorophyll vaporizes or brakes apart.. but cooking a soup does kill the chorophyll so lets say it need bout 100 C...

So my thoughts of chlorophyll ..
It is harmless and healthy in moderation.. when you use it orally ..
I think it is grouse to vaporize.. that's why i vape only crisp dry..
Abysmal Vapor,


Revolting Peasant
I think it just tastes bad- I thought that it's responsible that 'green' almost 'minty' taste in uncured bud. As the cure progresses more of the chlorophyll gets broken down by the plants natural metabolic processes into other substances (sugars maybe?) which smell and taste a whole lot better than chlorophyll.

(essentially the plant tries to use the chlorophyll as part of it's last food reserves, at a cellular level. I think)


Well-Known Member
more exactly it's the major chemical involved in photosynthesis, contained in the chloroplasts
it's indeed what gives vegetables that green vegetable taste and grass a grasstaste etc, wich we don't want with weed
and burned/vaped it doesn't get digested as with eating it so isn't beneficial

I think it also SOUNDS bad since it sounds similar to chloroform


djonkoman said:
more exactly it's the major chemical involved in photosynthesis, contained in the chloroplasts
it's indeed what gives vegetables that green vegetable taste and grass a grasstaste etc, wich we don't want with weed
and burned/vaped it doesn't get digested as with eating it so isn't beneficial

I think it also SOUNDS bad since it sounds similar to chloroform

True, they kinda sound similar, but are extremely different and have extremely different properties. House sounds like mouse, but they are two extremely different things. :p

I would think if it were a problem, eating anything green for thousands of years would have killed us a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Despite sounding similar, chlorophyll does not contain any chlorine and is not related to chloroform (which does contain chlorine). Chlorophyll is probably quite nutritious, and it is almost certainly completely non-toxic, even when inhaled. The reason people try to get rid of chlorophyll in herb is strictly for flavor considerations. Unless you are talking about ingesting some absolutely ungodly amount of concentrated chlorophyll (distilled wheatgrass juice, anyone?), there is no health risk, even for a ravenous carnivore who hasn't touched a vegetable in decades.

Edit: here's some much more authoritative info from the Linus Pauling institute http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/chlorophylls/
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Banned for life
Super healthy to injest, not sure about inhale. I have a bottle of it in my fridge, it's mint flavoured and apparently an internal deoderant lol Definitely leaves my breath fresh, and my dumps...
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Well-Known Member
I also ment it only sounds similar and for that reason I coul imagine that people would think it isn't healthy if they just hear the name but don't know what it is


Vaporizer Superstore
Though chlorophyll intake isn't necessarily a dangerous aspect of consuming cannabis, there is nothing better than properly cured bud that no longer contains any plant flavor. It's got to pass the smell test or stay in the jar longer.


Out to lunch
I get a good dose of Chlorophyll every day in Chlorella- a very nutritious single celled algae. Chlorophyll's very good for you. Get enough of it on a regular basis and you won't even have to use deodorant. As friendly as it is to the body, I seriously doubt there's anything to worry about when ingesting it via vapor.

Chlorophyll benefits
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Vapor Sloth
Max interesting you would note the odor thing because I noticed that as well. I use wheat grass juice to help offset the unintended consequences of modifying my immune system with human monoclonal antibodies and to help detox from the 9 pills I am on atm . . . :puke: When I first got sick about 6 years ago, my body odor took a real turn for the worse. Nothing I could do would stop it either. It got so bad they were even making fun of me at work.

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