They still have a Champs promotion and discount 15% off Classic and Venty.
I already have a Volcano Digit and I’m VASing about getting the Hybrid or not, pretty much since its launch. My understanding from what I have read many times here is that workflow, Bluetooth capabilities and the App, are nothing to call home about and that the core business is still the bag system. The whip is just a novelty and I will stop using it very early when I’ll realize it will get sticky with oils and will stink just after a few uses.
But then I bought the Venty, I got hooked to it because of its airflow annd being able to cash a bowl “ballvape style” in 2/3 hits at 210°C. I would love if the whip system would replicate Venty’s performance. From the specs on S&B website, the airflow on the Hybrid using the whip is 30L/min which is the same as Plenty’s and incredibly 33% higher than Venty’s (20L/min). On paper it seems like the airflow on the Hybrid’s whip is even better than the Venty, I would love if it performed like a Venty without batteries, is it just a pita to clean the whip or what?
Thanks in advance.
Coming out of the lurker woods to comment because I really wanted to love the whip as a volcano hybrid owner. Before the volcano hybrid, I had an Arizer EQ, so I knew I loved bags, but wanted the whip capability.
I have 5,927 hours on my volcano hybrid (it was my daily driver for 3 yrs) and I'd say the bag has gotten 99.5% of that use. I want to love it, but aside from a couple of lucky times, I haven't been able to get the draw right.
Using the dosing capsules with the reducer chamber improves the experience over the regular chamber by about 25% for me, but it's still not satisfying, especially compared to a good Venty hit. I have tried it with and without WPAs and if you turn the pump on and use a WPA, then it's easier to keep up with the pump, but it's still not what I'm after. I bought a SSV with the baller mod last fall and that has a whip that is very satisfying to use in comparison.
I switched the whip to the kind from EleV8 that came with my SSV and that helped with the sticky/stinky situation that happens with the original whip from the oils accumulating, so if you do go that route, there are other options for whip tubing.