Smooth sailing while I'm inhaling... VAPOR
I agree^^ I would rather wait and get a whole package.
I like the sound of those "extras"
I like the sound of those "extras"

I'll wait. I'm an impatient guy, but I've got other stuff to cover my medical needs for now. This vape is worth the wait.
Sounds good everybody. Patience like I've never seen before.... I'm shocked.
EDIT: The cases should be here by Saturday or Monday. If all goes well of course.
LMAO! Thats the most funny thing I heard all day.That is the funniest thing I have read today. I have paid $50 for over night shipping on a $10 part.
We have 10 extra units.You can always give a shout out to Leiana and see if there is maybe a spot open still? You never know, someone may have cancelled.