Finally, after a few months of postal services doing their thing, I received the vape! Quick impressions of the device:
- Excellent hand feeling, big weight
- Attractive, sleek, discreet
- Nice packaging
- Cool vapor
- Durable/indestructible
- Very on-demand (like Sticky Brick)
- Works quite well with regular lighter
- Entire body
hot after few IH cycles, can't access chamber
- Threading is good, but stripping is possible. A 3/4 turn threading mechanism would be better
- Loading is pretty annoying
- Holding it in mouth is heavy
- Steel hitting teeth is unpleasant
- Needs a carrying case
- Burn risk is higher
The device is interesting to say the least. I love the design however it needs improvements for ergonomics: A bumper or something to prevent you from hitting your teeth (happens a lot to me). A bit lighter so I can hold it in my mouth comfortably without hands and it not falling onto my chest and burning me
The weight and hand-feel is among my favorite - excellent weight there and length, smoothness, material - yum. It stays hot for a long time tough and I've for the first time in my vape history burnt myself with a unit.
I think I will take some leather I skinned and tanned myself and make a wrap for it
Elegant piece requires elegant accessories.
Dyna condensor tube and spinning mouthpiece fits but you need a screen.
Still need more time with it to gave an accurate feel. I can tell it needs some improvements but is fairly solid as is.