I just found this post when searching topics on my iolite and I wanted to share my experience with the vapro:
Short version:
I love my vapro! LOVE IT!! [last paragraph has a summary]
Wall of text version:
I am a long-term owner and user of The Vapro and have had many, many friends use it over the years and several of them have bought their own. i actually have vapro #003 from the original batch created around 6 years ago. I've used it almost every day since, and have taken it on many road/camping trips. The original vapro store (and owner/creator) used to be local to me which is how I discovered the vapro when shopping for one.
Description: The Vapro always reminds me of a retro laser remote. It is very solid, very clean and simple. They are handmade by one person, as are the accessories that go with the vapro; this is something I like. It is more of a piece of art, closer to one-of-a-kind, and unique. Mine is all black with silver columns. It sits on 4 rubberish grippy-nobs, has an air in-take port on the left side with a screen in it for dust filtering [I unscrew the end cap for a bigger air flow]. Inside is a block of wood, a light, some wires and the base of the glass element. Outside on top is a single knob that you turn clock-wise for off-idle-on. The light changes with each turn from off-dim-on. The light is for highlighting the subject, to show that the unit is on and to warn not to touch. The handle has a firm, foamish grip over metal and is very solid feeling. The power wire runs through the middle of the handle and out the end.
There are 2 versions, a home version and car version.
The home version wire runs from the unit directly to the wall plug.
The car version wire runs from the vapro for about a foot and ends with a female adapter. The attachment male adapter runs to the wall plug or there is also the car adapter wire that runs to your car's cigarette lighter.
Performance: It heats up in about 5 minutes, and gets hotter around 10-15min. In the car it gets even hotter, faster, and care should be used when in the car [i will go into more detail later*]. I have the vapro pipe which works great and I use a wire to clean and collect from it. I also have a vapro bubbler which is beautiful and hits very smooth with a stronger, condensed hit. I also have a glass-on-glass vapro bowl which i've used in many of my friends glass-on-glass water pipes. This last piece is great because of its versatility. I also use this piece for discrete car usage by attaching 3/8" tubing to a glass-on-glass stem and *having a friend riding along help out with the vapro.
My usage of it: just cover the bottom screen with a layer of taster's choice. you can grind it up, or just pinch smallish pieces into it (the smaller your pieces, the more surface area that is exposed to heat). First hit is long and slow and has a very strong, full flavor. Next i take my swiss army file tool and use that to crush the pieces against the side of the pipe to break them up even smaller now that plant is drier. Second hit is carefully pulled long and slow - this second hit is powerful and can make you cough or choke, or even surprise exhale. At this point, I just repeat the process of knife grind and vape. With friends we do personals, or we pass the swiss army with the pipe and the vape. I/we just keep using it until no more vape comes out at which point the ground-up pieces are a correct shade of yellow/brown to brown color depending on how hard we try to vape it ;P I save this and use it to cook with making anything from oil, butter, cookies to cheese and pizza toppings.
Car usage: First, this is best when stationary and with the help of a friend. I like it for camping as I usually offroad and have my vehicle nearby. But the car's DC current is much "stronger" than your home's AC current, so more care is needed in the car. I think that's what the "idle" setting is for although i use the "on" setting in the car as well. But with the "on" setting in the car, be VERY careful as the temperature can get much higher.
As i've mentioned, I've used mine for 6 years solid, and have gone from nubnub to vaPRO (see what i did there

) and I've only had the best experience with it.
My pros for this vaporizer:
- personal usage cut around 60%+. My Vapro literally paid for itself very quickly. You can use any amount in the bowl (within reason) I try for smaller bowls - more airflow=better vapor (same way fires work)
- doesnt need additional items for use such as butane or plastic bags, just the pipe and unit
- simple - hold the pipe, use the vapro like a lighter, when done, empty pipe
- can collect oils from this!
- the dottle is great for cooking
- glass - clean, and you can see what's going on at every step (fun for collected oils)
- taste - delivers great, full flavor
- vapor - nice, THICK vapor, can coff or blow smoke rings if desired
- coughing feels nice, I enjoy the cough that this gives although I'm in more control of whether it makes me coff or not now
- no vapor loss - heat is applied when you're ready for it - there is no extra cooking while not in use
- clean - screens filter dust out, no butane or other chemicals involved
- you pull vape directly into lungs, not a bag, your lungs ARE the bag
- attachments - I dont have to vape the same way every time - pipes, tubes, water... i even made a gravity attachment I can use

- unique - art handmade by one man, not a mass manufactured item, but quality hand crafted
- discrete car usage with the "modded" tubing and glass on glass piece.
My cons for this vaporizer:
- If the vapro is left in front of a fan or air conditioner, or if your room temp is extra cold, it can affect the temp of the vapro. This may be the biggest con depending on your situation.
- it can burn you. it is a mature device and careful usage is necessary. it is very solid and stationary, but if you set it on a couch or bed or in the car, and move around, it can roll. thats all it takes to get a very awesome either circle scar, or crescent moon scar. Definitely can get cool scars with this, maybe thats a pro. I imagine most vaporizers run a risk of burning on some level, the same as a lighter, or flame thrower.
Summary: Hope this review is helpful - I've tried a few vaporizers and seen several others in action, but between me and the people i've shared the vapro with, the vapro is easily the cleanest, tastiest vaporizer, producing a thick vapor with any sized pack. It has great air flow, a clean heating element, its simple, well-made, unique and I haven't seen anything that beats it yet. The owner's design intentions were to make a superior vaporzier to the ones on the market, and i've been completely satisfied with my purchase. Until Vapro 2 comes out, the Vapro is my only recommendation.