Hi. I am a severe asthmatic and initially was frightened even to vaporize. Fortunately, vaporizing is pretty easy on my extremely twitchy lungs. I now use a MFLB. The MFLB enables me to control the amount of vapor and its degree of heat. Vaking herb does have a mild bronchodilator effect, which does help at times. Though my lungs are so screwed up, even the heavy duty nebulized medications don't always work that well. On the other hand, when I am nicely vaked, the dyspnea is less aggravating. I also do use edibles. But, no, I cannot smoke anything...even second and third hand smoke will irritate my airways. In fact that's a good test for me...my lungs spasm after contact with any smoke, but they rarely spasm with vapor (I have combusted once or twice, accidentally over the course of a year of MFLB use.) I am also frequently on large doses of prednisone.....which increases my already prevalent insomnia. The herb helps the insomnia, as well, though not through the entire night.