Vaporizing BHO?


Well-Known Member
Is this possible? I plan on buying a volcano or herbalizer and was wondering if either (or any vape) works.
Before i got the oil accessory to the Verdamper(and before getting a Dr. Dabber) i used to put my BHO/AHO on top of some weed in the Verdamperbowl,worked like a charm.:)
Usually i held a little light next to it,because i loved to see it vaporising/bubbling away.
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Havelock Vetenari,


Almost there...
I do not make BHO but i do make some QWISO out of my ABV sometimes.

I have tried it in a few of my vapes and never really liked it.
Until i got the Herbie!!
A dab of oil on the Essential Oil pad and pop it into the magnetic bowl and turn to the highest temp.
I then attach my Pinnacle WT to the whip, activate the fan assist and get ready for some serious vapor action!!

A small dab and some crystals on top is amazing and very hard to keep up with!!
A friend and i could not finish a small dab in the Herbie, it totally wrecked us both!!!

That reminds me, i need to do this again tonight!!

Never done oil in a 'cano so someone else will hopefully stop by.

EDIT: Also remember that the 'cano only does bags. Herbie does both bags and whip which i find better as i have a choice!
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I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
I can attest the Herbalizer vapes bho/qwiso awesomely on the pad ! I've also used my Solo via sandwich style or in some organic cotton (some are using degummed hemp), and as many... in my Dr. Dabber or Bholt pen.
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